STEM Professional Development
What are others offering in terms of STEM professional development?
- STEM 101, only $2299 per seat, up to 30 educators - [1]. Offer involves teaching how STEM will fit school goals.
- STEM supplies - Ultimaker printer + filament for $7k? That's a little high, but printer itself is $6k - [2]
- 6 Makerbots for $22k - [3]
- 3 day conference for teachers on how to provide excellence in STEM education - $1100 - [4]
- $125 online courses for STEM educators - [5]
Professional Development in 3D Printing
- $2000/year subscription on curriculum for Design Thinking. No 3D printers included. $2500 with printer - [6]
OSE Case
We are positioned uniquely to provide construction sets for 3D printing, along with part libraries in FreeCAD
- Lessons include CAD design
- Lessons include design thinking
- Evolves to recucling of plastics with filament maker