Sawmill Questions

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These are unanswered questions about the sawmill. If you have an answer please edit the page or send and email to jeremymaso at gmail dot com

Thank you!


  • What is the rationale for a circular saw instead of a bandsaw?
    • Both have strength and weaknesses. Circular saws are simpler to drive - they can be connected directly to a hydraulic motor though a belt might be required to increase the speed. Circular saws are repairable (see below) and easier to fabricate. OTOH, bandsaws have a deeper cut which means that bigger logs can be processed. Most commercial portable saw mills are based on a bandsaw.
    • Bandsaws have a narrower kerf because the blade is kept straight in tension, while a circular blade must be thick enough to resist bending. Therefore bandsaws both have less kerf loss (sawdust made while cutting), and require less power to run. I would argue the point of easier to fabricate. This video shows a home-made one, and I have worked with commercially manufactured Wood-Mizer bandsaws, and they are pretty simple devices. DanielRavenNest 16:56, 24 April 2011 (PDT)

Homemade Band Sawmill at YouTube

  • Can new teeth be attached to a regular circular saw blade through brazing?
    • Yes, but it is a technique that requires some skill. They can also be welded back in place. You need a fine point welder to do this and care must be taken to avoid warping the blade. Blacksmiths used to forge-weld teeth onto broken circular saw blades.
  • How should the saws be attached to the vertical posts?
    • Maybe with square tubing.
  • How sturdy do the saw assembly, posts, and cage need to be?
    • The saws should be about 80 lbs, and with the posts and cage about 255 total.
  • What forces are going to be acting upon the frame?
    • Try doing a Finite Element Analysis test.