School of Personal and Political Transformation

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Uncollege. Binding real life into education, for a historic shift from scarcity to open collaboration. Open to anyone no matter how down and out, as long as there is a high chance of personal transformation. The main question becomes: what must a transformative experience include?


Focus is on transforming one's mindset to infinite possibility by backing up the possibilities with skills. The goal is to bring a person from any demographic - from the debuttante, ghetto child, to a conservative republican, to a feely liberal, to shift mindsets from victimhood to absolute creation of the world around them. Similar programs such as Singularity University or MacArthur Fellows exist, but these focus on uplifting the uplifted, and our program focuses on uplifting the not so uplifted - though potentially teachable because of their thirst for knowledge and improvement - across any demographic.

To get there, positive psychology training begins with studying general semantics, ethnocentricity, propaganda/media studies, communications (written and verbal), history for learning critical thinking, psychological health, health, political ponerology, classical literature, and a synthesis of philosophical knowledge to date as a prerequisite to improved mental models of reality.

Becauase difficilis in otio quies, or theory is not the same as practice - agency of transformation must begin with one discovering their productive capacity to understand the true meaning of agency, and thus positive psychology. Positive psychology is effectively 'can do.' This must be matched by learning to plant trees, grow food, program intelligence, and build things, among others. Thus, hands-on skill training, something that is missing from academia - is a critical part of OSE's program. Practical skills bridge the gap between theory and practice, between the elite and the laborer - and the world of passiveness and agency.

We explore the limits of how each of us is transformed psychologically to infinite possibility - and not airy possibility but tangible outcomes of solving pressing world issues. We shift people from average citizens to extraordinary movement entrepreneurs - simply because they have chosen to step into a world of infinite possibility.

Critical to the study of positive psychology is learning how to learn - the most powerful of human faculties that can be learned and improved - but to which very little attention is given in standard education.

Day-to-day involves 2 hours of class time, 2 hours of work, and 4 hours of research and development. After hours are social time, exercise and physical activity, sports,and mind-body training.

Discipline in our program is provided by a regular schedule, and team collaboration where everyone participates.

The mindset cultivated is one of learning how to learn, abundance (starting from first principles), and AmeriCan.


There are numerous tracks, based on ambition. The program allows for en exit to internship level employment, and entrepreneurial endeavor. During school, people have the opportunity to do work-study at apprentice rates. Above industry standard rates come after full training, and setting your own pay comes from running your own business. We prepare individuals for all of these tracks.

Each of tracks get the same positive philosophy training, learning how to learn skills, and socialization via collaborative activity. This is to explicitly address that each individual in the world should gain access to unlimited possibility, and choose a lifestyle based on this mindset. Intended audience is anyone who has completed high school or equivalent level of learning and is 18+ years of age, with specific recruiting via guidance counselors in the worst of all high schools.


We all teach each other. Our social contract is to be open to learning. Teachers and profs learn from students, and vice versa. We all contribute to improving the curriculum via the OSE wiki. With the first cohort of 144, we break up into 12 main projects of 12 people, and combine them into a final project at the end of the year. This is part of our extreme appraoch to collaboration, where we learn that solving larger questions is a collaborative process.

Social Contract

  • We respect each other, and we respect real authority (not fake authority)
  • We learn from each other
  • We learn hard skills
  • We learn soft skills
  • We learn positive spychology
  • We study 'industry standards' that got us here, from history, philisophy, general semantics, and relevant psychozoic background
  • We are open to learning new things, as the only constant is change. You could not step twice into the same river. - [You could not step twice into the same river.]
  • Dogs, also, bark at what they do not know. -Heraclitus [1]
  • Three constants in life - change, choice, principles. - Stephen Covey


  • Learning How to Learn
  • Are people who retire from the military lazy? Read this one for a different point of view - [2]. However, there simply isn't opportunity for everyone is just not true - not true on first principles.
  • High school students are not motivated because they can get into college no matter how bad their grades are - [3]