Seed Eco-Home 4 Product Website

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Main Components

  • Listing on this site - full description of Maysville Historic House 1.
  • Theme - open source blueprints for civilization. Meaning culture, institutions, products. Starting with financial independence and self-determination. Creating the discipline of Abundance. This is not gravy train politics, it's responsibility.
  • Stats - prototypes built (partial), demo models, products sold.
  • Global hyperlinked map of builds.
  • House Modules. All productized modules.
  • House models - 1300, 2000, 100% energy autonomous with calculated lifetime energy performance and embodied energy data. Buy. Solar Hydrogen model with hydrogen filling station. Buy. SH 1300 Model with Aquaponic greenhouse and SH 2000 with Aquaponic greenhouse.
    • Also, the Studio (simplest, lowest cost) and Autonomous studio with autonomous water, electric, and waste. Includes small silent propane generator.
    • Mobile micro house, and micro house with fold-out walls (SIP)
  • House model designer software - for designing and pricing your own. Detailed calculations for to-code house, with lower cost of course for partial build.
  • Links to all other sites and MLS listings.
  • Explanation of integrated education, design, and responsibility. Our story on that. Useless, specialization, and existential risk from it.

More Core

  • Buy one - preorder your build for $X, the after BOM is counted and analysis made for production cost. Limit to 1 hour radius from Maysville, MO. Another offer at $X higher for anywhere USA. 50% down, 50% upon completion or 100% down and pay less. This allows us to plan.
  • Open Engineering blueprints, obtained via unbundled engineering services.
  • CAD downloads.
  • Build documentation.
  • 746 curriculum in RLF, linked to Builder Crash Course.
  • Building machines - link to Designer Crash Course. Includes automated rovers, drones, and RTK GPS swarms, along with all construction, heavy machines, power tools, and appliances staring from solar steel, copper, plastic, and rock.
  • Open Materials - white papers on solar concrete, solar steel, and solar hydrogen, 100% off-grid SEH with link to buy.
  • The promo video - pure inspiration. Gain financial independence and work on pressing world issues for a living. Or just work on reinventing distributed manufacturing to realize the promise of the open source economy. Frame this within the AI Apocalypse to shift potential collapsitariantalent towards abundance practice .
  • Aerial drone fly through.
  • Builder Crash Course
  • House designer crash course - virtual.
  • OSHWA Plans - finally submitted.
  • Transform the world with open source. As the AI apocalypse looks, be part of a syntooic solution where problems are solved faster than they are created. We are now offering a 4 year Edge of Knowledge curriculum featuring state of art rapid learning facilities where you learn how to learn, learn to collaborate, and learn how to gain financial independence to work on solving pressing world issues full time for a living. Pilot program for 6 people, offering 3 $100k scholarships to young people of college age.
  • Forum or communication channel. Set up a venue for serious discussion of open solutions, framing it in context of class war, affective polarization, positive psychology (discuss conditions under which something can be done), positive psychology (art of possibility), energy abundance, AI apocalypse, reinventing economics (integrated full cost accounting enterprise)
  • Forum areas - module contributions, CAD contributions, learning FreeCAD, coll orative literacy, etc. Contributor Guidelines. First we recruit several peeps to moderate. Performance-based admission to Forum. Your contribution is your Badge. Forum is for contributors. Some open asset, with entry barrier of extensive learning, a 2-way relationship where we spend the time to educate you, and you return as much time as we spent educating you to producing open assets as an abundance criterion in the design of admitting people to the Forum. Ie, practical post-scarcity.
  • Star rating system - product reviews. Curated product reviews and curation policy. Commitment to fixing bugs, and standing behind the product by dispelling myths.
  • Exposing shortcomings of codes, regulation, and engineering , with call to open engineering certification, open calculations. Caution of applying formulas blindly, and invitation to first principle calculation to transform the public to numeracy. Link to Learn How to Count, How to Read, how to write, how to Communicate, and How to Collaborate, some of the most popular courses at OSE.
  • Open Society and Transformation. Bash every outdated institution and promote true innovation. Describe state of art in every sector, issues, and proposed solutions. Process is simple. State the obvious, and then start asking more questions about the obvious until you arrive at nuance, distinction, insight, and solutions.


  • Microcontributions to part libraries, modules, etc.
  • Scholarships and funding. Donations. Grants.
  • Learning materials - how to read, write, count, and collaborate. Prerequisites to how to design a new civilization.
  • Global discussion of institutions and best practice, and localized versions. Good search feature. Finally, quality AI distillation of content.


  • Education foundations - fund rapid-learnjng curriculum that transforms trades education, brings practical skills back to the population, and provides lifelong learning where deep purpose is reinserted back into livelihoods
  • Education Innovators - fund 3 student scholarships - a $100k grant to drop out of college and work on solving pressing world issues with open collaboration.
  • Builder Crash Course - 2 week of skills immersion featuring the Rapid Learning Facility with small learning modules that compound to build a complete house from start to finish. $2800.

Education, Open Building Science, and House Design

  • Interior decorator with Sweet Home 3D. Reward for Best Design in Aesthetics, performance cost, luxury category
  • Open Education
    • Surveying
    • Real Estate Law - filings, sample contracts, sample lawsuit, etc.
    • Sample Building Permit documents in Google Docs
    • Landscape Designer - module in Blender - where you program the landscape with various pulldowns and check boxes

Open Manufacturing

  • Build your materials - with wood filaments, CEB block, and high performance plastics, saving $21k in materials of $60k.
  • 16x48 PV production line
  • 16x16 concrete facility, or 8x40 trailer
  • Shredder infrastructure

Enterprise Howto

  • What is "Solving Housing". OSE reviewed white paper. Feedback from the top 10-20 innovators regarding its feasibility, rewaand commitments to collaboration. Rigorous questions asked regarding their opinion on potential success. Exposing strengths And weaknesses of the program. Exposing conditions upon which this can be founded.
  • This explains how this model works, its profit potential, and why nobody will replicate the open source blueprints (reason is scarcity mindset)
  • Here we work on a new paradigm of human enterprise, for which reason theis constitutes original, and intented-to-be-seminal - paradigm shift regarding Solving Housing
  • Explain how much value is found here ($1.2M R&D)
  • Documentation on enterprise aspect, mainly transparency of the cost structure and the model