Seed Home 2 Workflow
One of the Seed Home's unique values is the planned efficiency and effectiveness of hte build process:
- Design as simple as possible, but not simpler.
- Design-for-build optimization - every detail is considered from the standpoint of ease of build - by professionals and amateurs alike.
- Can be swarmed or done with as little as 1 person.
- Choice of utilities reflects ease of build
- Plumbing flush with ground at slab build stage
- Utility Panel houses modular utilities
- Utility Channel houses utility runs
- Apply automation and CNC whenever possible
- Automated BOM generation fed into CNC cutoff saw for lumber
- 3D printed screw pile augers
- 3D Printed trim and lumber
- Autonomous foundation digging tractor + logic: pond hole + pad with level sensors
- Develop AI for the design process.
- Design app - FreeCAD workbench and standalone design app for new models
Working Doc