Self-Determination Organization

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An organizational paradigm (such as Corporations, non-protits, etc) in which participants have achieved economic freedom by virtue of collaborative design (because collaboration makes it easy for us to make a living). It is a condition where players are self-actualizing:

  1. By pursuing the things most important to them
  2. Have a condition of self-fulfillment by virtue of their thoughts and actions
  3. Free to make choices based on meaning and purpose

without interference of:

  1. Pressure to 'make a living' - ie, making money just to survive - ie, to provide the necessary means of surviving (food, shelter, health, etc)
  2. Low self-esteem
  3. External pressure

OSE's route to such organizations involves:

  1. Producing economics of abundance by outstanding discipline, leadership, wisdom, and productivity
  2. Creating the next economy based on open, collaborative development

Thus, removing the pressure to make a living from determining the personal and political choices of humanity. We believe this can have profound effects on ending ecocide, war, and poverty.