Shop Prep Checklist

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  • Food acquisition
  • Safety glasses
  • Clean off 2 more welding tables
  • Remove 3D printer
  • Lay out all materials on 8 welding stations tables
  • Set up 2 more torches
  • Pick up Sweiger metal
  • 1/4"x4" flats - 20'
  • 1/4"x2 flats - 60'
  • 4 insulators for Tweco guns
  • Bottles exchange; 2 more new acetylene and 1 more new oxygen bottles
  • 4'x8' sheet steel of 1/4" metal
  • 2 spools of welding wire
  • 2.5"x4" DOM, 2.5" long, for 2.5" shaft fitting inside
  • thread tape - 2 small rolls
  • Last minute shopping: 4 cans of black spray paint
  • 7/16" bolts for engine
  • Move 2 power cube PC to make it more visible
  • Hose adapter - 1/2" to 3/4"
  • SeWire up manual valve
  • Print out instructionals
  • Provide control code specification
  • Finish masks verification
  • Weld cylinder?


  1. Test all welders according to Welders Check Protocol. Replace liner if needed. Inventory spools, tips,
  2. Clean spools of welding wire
  3. Welding masks - check if they darken; put broken ones back on shelves, mark them as broken. Check lens covers, replace as needed. Clear visibility but dark should be the norm. If can't see clearly, need to replace.
  4. Organize drills and charging stations
  5. Check.pngDismantle brick press
  6. Buff CEB press metal
  7. Paint CEB press metal
  8. Inventory grinders
  9. Inventory bolts
  10. GetCheck.png 2 more acetylene bottles and 1 oxygen
  11. Get last materials - battry, press foot, pin, as by CAD
  12. Cut and weld cylinder
  13. Inventory old materials - grate etc
  14. Lay out hydraulic parts
  15. Lay out bolts
  16. Set up weld tables
  17. Make press foot spacers, 5.5x11.5"
  18. Cut 7" rebar reinforcements
  19. Bring hoist over
  20. Check.pngFire up tractor


  • Strikers in good shape
  • 4 torch sets functional; bottles full; tips clean