Solar Hydrogen

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Solar hydrogen is hydrogen produced by using photovoltaic energy to split water.

Solar hydrogen is the long term evolution of human energy systems. OSE intends to play an active role in this transition, starting with the Seed Home 2. Seed Home 2 will mark the beginning of an experimental hydrogen energy option for individuals who would like to participate in the bleeding edge of the economy transition.

Derek Abbott says in a article - '"My starting point is as an academic who always thought nuclear was the answer, but who then looked at the figures and came to an inescapable conclusion that solar-hydrogen is the long-term future," Abbott told "I did not come at this as a green evangelist. I am a reluctant convert. I deliberately don't even mention the word CO2 once in my paper, in order to demonstrate that one can justify solar-hydrogen simply on grounds of economic resource viability without any green agenda."' - ["My starting point is as an academic who always thought nuclear was the answer, but who then looked at the figures and came to an inescapable conclusion that solar-hydrogen is the long-term future," Abbott told "I did not come at this as a green evangelist. I am a reluctant convert. I deliberately don't even mention the word CO2 once in my paper, in order to demonstrate that one can justify solar-hydrogen simply on grounds of economic resource viability without any green agenda."]

Already, Solar and Wind is Cheaper than Fossil Fuels. Next is hydrogen as a viable fuel. OSE proposes electrical generation using hydrogen, which can be achieved most simply in an internal combustion engine.


  • Lots of water is needed - [1]
