Solar Steel
Steel that is produced from scrap via an induction furnace that is powered by photovoltaic or wind power. Eventually, this will include hydrogen-reduced steel from rock using Solar Hydrogen.
50kW Solar Scale
- 50 kg/hr, or 300 kg/day. About 60 sticks of Rebar, or 800 lb. 50 kW induction furnace gets us a house worth every 1.5 days, so we need have about 300 days left, for 90 tons per year. See Farm Yields Per Acre.
Use Cases at Different Scales
- 1000 acres with 10% energy gen at 50% coverage = 200kw/acre = 20MW/100 acres = 20 tons/hr, scale of smallest minimill = 50k tons per year.
- 5% area at full solar daytime means 50 acres for the scale of a minimill.
- Enough on solar only to build 1000 tanks per year.
- Global network of 10,000 such facilities. $50M economy each in steel only *10000 =$0.5T