Speaking Engagement Organization Protocol

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Group: Moxie and Karien

Question 3: Protocol from Initial contact (who and how) to signing of Speaking Contract/MOU. Product - clear protocol.


Hire a speaking agent. You brief them on what you want to do, and they will go out and set it up. http://eviltwinbooking.org/

Target groups - clubs, student groups, faculties (profs), student outreach coordination, internship coordination, recruiting days. (Different at each institution where to start/who to contact.)

Speaking agent handles contracting process, including fee negotiation.

General suggestions: - Do this well in advance, possibly even before Christmas the year before. - Hang around after the talk to speak to students directly. Allow enough time for this! - Have a clear path and action list for signing up students afterwards, including a contact at the university, e.g. community support person who can/will also do info sharing, e.g. writing blog posts, etc.

Other possible ideas for finding people:

- Talk for free at one of the local industrial arts spaces and/or hacker spaces. Have a clear pathway for non-students to participate/contribute. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WWOOF - http://blog.meetinglife.com/sailing-the-farm-in-norway/ They do it through social media and regular update newsletters. - http://www.workaway.info/ - http://www.nationalservice.gov/programs/americorps - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habitat_for_Humanity

Match people's expectations of why they are doing this, i.e. be clear about what your project is setting out to achieve in the world and what they will contribute.