The ability to make clothes is important for local self-sufficiency and economic development. Local, sustainable fibers such as wool and hemp can be used.
Spinning (making threads)
Plans for a simple drop spindle on Appropedia. Made from a bicycle wheel.
Detailed plans for a treadle wheel. Requires woodworking skills. (This could be digitally fabbed much faster.)
Knitting (making garments from yarn)
OpenKnit is an open source digitally controlled knitting machine with a repository of designs. The cost to build it is approximately $7-800 USD.
Weaving (making cloth)
OSLoom is a project to build an open-source, digitally-controlled loom. The build is scheduled for March 2011. See their kickstarter video for more.
OSLoom will be a Jacquard loom, which is a very advanced type of loom capable of weaving complex patterns. Instructions for a simple manual cardboard loom can be found here
Spindle Spindle
Appropedia:AT CAD Team/AT loom - Proposal for open-source loom on Appropedia. No progress yet.