Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results

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Storytelling is about condensing and interpreting events in order to better ensure audience understanding.



To Do

  • Story night?


  • Harvard Biz Review article [3].
    • Points - stories address 3 learning styles - visual, auditory, kinesthetic.
    • Well-designed stories are the most effective vehicle for exerting influence
    • Leaders influence when they reach people in ways that help them to understand, enable them to remember, and inspire them to act.
  • Hire the girl?


  • Story is 3 elements: a person, goal, and challenge. Resolution is implied.
  • 5 requirements:
    • Person must be relatable
    • Goal must be relevant, important, raise the bar. Stakes are high.
    • There must be sufficient difficulty or challenge, can't be easy otherwise it's boring
    • There must be tightness - clear cause and effect, feeling of efficacy. Thus a solution and resolution of conflict.
    • There must be emotional fuel. Emotional connection. Emotion fuels action. Not logic.
  • 71 - focus your story.
    • Critical that every single thing you include supports a goal. Your point. Clear goal. Eliminate all else. Everything you say is mission critical, Drives narrative forward.
    • Eliminate all second fiddles. Focus on one person - it's easier to follow
    • Storytelling is like a tree- shoot from trunk to top, don't visit all the branches or tangents
    • Stick to clear turning points, not all details.
    • Use key details to set the scene, not too many.
    • Think of one key sensory detail to bring story to life
    • Simplify dates
    • Make numbers round or meaningful
    • Omit proper nouns, complex names - simplify
    • Cut the exposition. Start with lunch line, fill details later. No Gone With the Wind, just James Bond.
    • Lie sort of: simplify things for the sake of audience experience.
    • Be ruthless about refining and shortening your story.