Sun Apr 3, 2016 Notes
Notes on scaling. Acceptable model towards trillion dollar impact is education. Scaling of OSE Campuses, framed as edu facilities. This combines real estate, education, apprenticeship, Extreme Manufacturing, integrated existence. Includes some elements of FIRE economy, namely real estate, but also investment in the long term. Scale concept: each facility is a $10M operation - one that has a tight partnership/executive team of 2-5 people, and about 30 students. Each person generates on the order of $10k net value for the operation, and apprentices pay $10-20k per year of 'college tuition.' RAships allow for earning while in training. The model relies on the extreme market efficiency of Open Source. The core is Rapid Prototyping and Enterprise Training as part of a land stewardship program.
Operations involve in-training for every aspect of the campus, so that it is a true learning community. SMEs and experts abound for assistance. For example, site management is performed in a land management learning program capacity. Open source tools and knowledge make this feasible.
Back of the envelope numbers involve a teacher student ratio of 12:1, with extremely competitive admission for serious people, not those who want to go to college to party. This means exceptional students only, though this may be too difficult to achieve in practice. For real productivity to happen, both the apprentice and Extreme Manufacturing Workshop models are used. This combines education and production in one.
6 faculty and 6 Residential Advisors means a population of 100 students can be sustained. Development of Open business models is the core, where each student publishes one Distribubutive Enterprise every 6 months. The intent is virality of an open source economic package that others can take on - mass creation of right livelihoods. 50% time is spend in R&D and 50% in product/production testing. Net revenue per person is $10k, and each student offers two workshops per year. 100 students means 200 workshops, so $5k net revenue per workshop is the requirement. Because this is structured as student initiative, OSE leases facilities. Revenue to OSE is tuition from learning. This is structured as a school. Tuition is what OSE receives from students. $10-20k per year for competitive training curriculum.
OSE produces templates for Enterprise that anyone can use. Students use them, and contribute further to them. Public interest.
For effective as, the core curriculum revolves around Open Source Product Development and Extreme Manufacturing.
Avg university ratio is 18:1. For ivy leagues, it is 5-12:1. 12:1 could be a good place. Or 10:1 for simplicity.
Integrated existence would mean Extreme Manufacturing as part of lifestyle investment, in the sense that people fulfill their part of a working village.
Each campus must have a significant production model for testing the curriculum results.
Education allows this.
Operations must include:
- Land stewardship.
- Agricultural enterprises for feeding people
- Ability to build things to replicate operations
- Different levels - EIR vs masters vs PhD level work
- Certification.
- Producing future collaboragors, movement entrepreneurs.
- Education
- Production
- Media and Publishing
- Replication track for Enterprise and Campus testing
- Collaborative literacy training - for time binding
- Methodology development and testing