Sun Mar 27, 2016 Notes
Reframe wiki and mission as tribe and an experiment with clear thesis statemsnt. Currently there are two working questions.
1. Is it possible to achieve the production of a 100 person or 1000 person corporation in the form of a Distributive Entreprise? This is the scale of operations required to change economics and politics. Major corruption begins to occur on the scale of 1000 employee corporations, minor corruption is facilitated on the scale of 100 person corporations. Terms to be defined. The assumption is that a distributed organization (sole operator) is the most effective give form of organization for purposes of integrity, without conflict of interest in the company.
Practical example - an operation that taps many contractors, brings in say $250k revenue from honest work, in which this revenue pays for R&D effort (labor). Standard costs of accounting, inventory, facility, and payroll are zero. The model is one workshop per week based on a solid product (a construction set for product resilience). It takes 3-6 months to develop product, and from there, production is run monthly then weekly upon stabilization. Biweekly at $3k revenue per event from 12 participants. As product improves and construction set results, this becomes robust. $6k/mo means $72k/year. Now the question is scalng. Can several people do this on site via crash training? $5k for training for the month.
The main question is how to cost structure. The workshop can simply be part of a product package for FeF R&D, where people pay for the training. First two weeks are training - 1 hour of class 3 timesthereafter to start their own business. 5% voluntary license fee from there on.
Tuition is reasonable - $2-5 k first month, then we do the actual earnings, where they get a cut. 50/50. 3 month stint. Fist month in training, second to third month in production, with expectation of leaving thereafter
Four people doing this in a program mean $250k per year revenue if OSE captures that revenue. Question is cost structure for tuition for new trainee.
Training must include rapid prototyping, CAD, CAM, teaching. Track is the microfactories track.