Sunlight Spectrum Modification

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Example of greenhouse with an additive to the cover film, so that the spectral composition of sunlight is modified in order to optimize crop yields.

With this technology, certain pigments are embedded in greenhouse films, in order to shift the wavelength of the incoming sunlight to better match crop preferences (i.e. towards red). This can lead to improved crop yields.

“The technology we use actually involves no filtering,” explained PhotoFuel's chief scientific officer Timmy Floume. “What we do is shift wavelengths to modify the sunlight spectrum reaching the plants.” They work with photoluminescent plastic to shift light wavelengths to provide the optimal conditions for a variety of settings. For greenhouses, where plants thrive under red light and reflect away unused green light, the goal is to change green light into the red light that plants crave. That extra energy benefits plants, and the increased yields benefit growers. “

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