TAZ Production Line
- 7 AM start - 3:30 end production run
- Latex GUI editors - http://devel.alephobjects.com/ao/documentation/AOOM/README - LaTeX editors available in Debian Wheezy: sudo apt-get install texstudio texmaker gummi latexila texworks
- Github source to TAZ manual -https://github.com/alephobjects/taz-docs
- TAZ documentation source - http://devel.lulzbot.com/TAZ/3.1/documentation/2014Q1/source/
- Operations manual source - http://devel.alephobjects.com/ao/documentation/AOOM/
- TAZ user manual - http://devel.lulzbot.com/TAZ/3.1/documentation/2014Q1/LulzBot_TAZ_3.1-User_Manual-ebook.pdf
- Aleph Objects Operations Manual - http://devel.alephobjects.com/ao/documentation/AOOM/AOOM.pdf
- http://ohai-kit.alephobjects.com/
- http://devel.alephobjects.com/ao/manufacturing/line_layout/AM%20MFG%20Layout%202.1%20w%20Cable%20Drop%20Coordinates.pdf
- Source - http://devel.alephobjects.com/ao/manufacturing/line_layout/AM%20Manuf%20Floor%20Layout_2.1.odg
- One assembly line - 40 minutes per machine. 4 person team subassy. 2 assy, 2 calib, one packer. Pre-subassy is another 3 people.
- 2 lines set up right now
- How fast can you train someone? Build first day, end of week, memorized.
- Description:
- Supply shelf has all parts.
- http://devel.alephobjects.com/alephmountain/2014-01-11/
- Line 1 supply shelf - http://devel.alephobjects.com/alephmountain/2014-01-11/DSC_0254-1024.html
- Print head table - http://devel.alephobjects.com/alephmountain/2014-01-11/DSC_0259-1024.html - 1 person - one bin enough to build for a day, computer there for OHAI kit.
- Frame assy table - http://devel.alephobjects.com/alephmountain/2014-01-11/DSC_0265-1024.html
- Frm&Fxz table (should not have Taz there) - http://devel.alephobjects.com/alephmountain/2014-01-11/DSC_0269-1024.html
- Final Assy for calib - http://devel.alephobjects.com/alephmountain/2014-01-11/DSC_0272-1024.html
- Alfresco, nuxeo - big enterprise level Java turds - enterprise level doc mgmt - CMIS - YouTube - see YouTube video.
- R&D - Seth in charge of final BOM that gets (from Mars Rover), another Darwin builder (jigs + calibration system), 3rd guy. Developer in Chicago for 3D scanner -
- Has full-time supply chain person.
- Has 1 assembly line
- VP of mfg oversees whole section.
- Rest: communication, social media, book keeping, coo, customer support, marketing, shipping mgr, CTO, print cluster room (50+ machines printing parts, will be 135 soon) - 6 AM to 10 PM
- 3D Scanner - http://forum.lulzbot.com/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=589
- VP of Manufacturing - Aesthetics + assembly line
- Going to ESOP - but very expensive - such as $250k for legal fees, as it's complex. lawyers, FCC, labor law, HR. Must be cash flow positive and growing. 2015 expected to be cash flow positive for whole year. Retroactive ESOP. Take out life insurance policies on head people. Valuation happens. Company has to have enough cash to buy itself. This gets funded via life insurance policies on key players. Then Jeff can exit - can sell it into the ESOP. Employees end up owning shares. Subchapter F - company itself pays zero income taxes (no double taxation).
- PEO - Professional Employment Organization - Insperity - all HR functions of Aleph Objects comes from Insperity. Then they can employ people like a 400,000 person company. Costs 18% on top of a person's paycheck.