TSC + Nasa COVID Meeting
- Simon Schafer- http://thespaceshipcompany.com/ engineer, organized zoom meeting
- Rob Sjostedt -Director of research development TSC; Covid hoods + 'cook book' of covid related tech. INterested in opportunies to share open source plans for distributed manufacturing
- Simon - led prototyping effort for medical context
- One design from common materials
- Dvoracek - from NASA. Mike's hood - hood designed by NASA - hood for EUA (Emergency Use Authorization / FDA). Make 500 hoods locally at Mike's co. Issue of nasa stamp on a product and folks expecting it to work
- Mike with Rob - putting documents together.
- Allen Parker's negative pressure tent - with Steve at TSC.
- AV taskforce?
- Kevin Rohrer - NASA Chief of Strategic Communication - public interface
- Release team - wants proven/implemented designs
- Virgin public affairs office - for release
- Ben Nichols - PVC intubation chamber Media:PFIB V1 PLAN FINAL.jpeg Media:PFIB description.pdfMedia:IMG_0765.JPGMedia:IMG_0766.JPG
- Jim Vanderploeg - greenscreen in back- only tech directly interfacing with patients will require FDA approval
- Ben Nichols [1] - hood, dust collector system.