Talk:Connie Log
Team Question & Connie's babble: (first time on Wiki, I apologize in advance if I'm not following any type of protocol, still learning:). )
I don't see anyone posting the OSE opportunities within their own LinkedIn profiles or other social media outlets, however I may have not dug deep enough into each user. I posted the HR OSE position on my own LinkedIn and have had 100 clicks. Not sure if there has been any traction in people applying. Can someone look at the portal for Volunteer Match and see if there is any movement?
If all are open to it, take a moment to post the volunteer opportunity at OSE; you can simply pick up what has already been created and post. I.E. I saw something on OSE Facebook, however it's buried a bit in a comment field. This is an easy and free method and can reach thousands of people. :)
Open Source Ecology The OSE Dev application is here if you want to collaborate on designing this in FreeCAD -
OSE Developers - Open Source Ecology OSE Developers work as a team, dividing… OPENSOURCEECOLOGY.ORG LikeShow more reactions · Reply · 2 · September 6 at 1:37am
I just published my first google doc into Wiki. Feeling pretty good about that one.