Tamera Communication

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Vaults in Tamera Ecovillage

Website: http://www.tamera.org/index.html

Communication 2

  • Our team will be off the next week, we spend time together - I am sure your mail will be in our talks - and then we will come back to you,

warm greetings and yes, let us find ways to cooperate, greetings Barbara

  • Hey friends!

I definitely love the OSE-movement. I had the pleasure to drive around Austria with Marcin Jakubowski 3 years ago, he is one of the OSE-founders. OSE is quite well-known in many movements including Permaculture and Ecovillage.

GREAT that OSE goes Germany. Its about technology. Which people, if not Germans, will make the best out of it :)

As technical focalizer of GEN-IS I can offer willingness to collaborate. At the moment we have lots to do. (We had a server-migration lately and the GEN-db development is ongoing, ...)

Connected to GEN-IS (Information Services) are several Open Source developers with the 'right spirit'. Only, they are quite busy. So am I.

The wish to unite hacker-spirit for a big thing which helps us all is omnipresent in all movements in the field of Sustainability at the moment. It feels to me that something big is waiting to be born.

All (=) Love, Ernesto ~:)


Dear Douglas, Janos, Barbara and Ernesto,

I am very happy that we have contact. This could be very important for the further development of the eco villages, OSE and everyone else.

The further technological development of the eco villages, communities and other efforts can be put in few simple steps (the execution is exciting):

1) Become Open and Agile:

  • open source valuable replicable technological and economical achievements already developed.
  • share openly your vision and why (for the technological development).
  • share openly what are the needs and the considered technological solutions.
  • adopt lean agile development methodologies for creating most responsible value in the shortest time.
  • improve your openness continuously.

Comment: Openness and Agility are a learning process. If you ask me, you have to start doing them now. Even in OSE we are learning a lot about them as we progress.

Becoming open is the first most important step. Give and you will be given. Share and people will share with you.

2) Collaborate: Today we have the possibility to collaborate Europe/worldwide, transfer knowledge (sometimes even skills) - even during the technological development - through Skype and other mediums. In Germany we start building the network between such people - contacts, skills, availability. Italy started too. We still have to grow this Europe wide.

  • start the Tamera/GEN network of people who want to help technologically (contacts, skills, availability) - openly and internally.
  • we share the networks between each other so that we can effectively use the available resource - there where they are most needed.
  • improve collaboration continuously and structurally.
  • then collaboration happens organically.

My current focus is Germany, but I want to see all Europe engaged in Open Source Economical development. That's why my suggestions for next steps and questions to all are:

Tamera specific:
3) I can support you to become 1) more Open and Agile with my knowledge. If you agree, we can share this process openly, so that it can be used also by other people. I need to know with whom from Tamera to do it - Douglas, Janos, ... I am available for this after 22. Oct including.

Europe specific:
The vision here is the same as world-wide, start open sourcing, build the network and collaborate. 4) The eco villages have enormous economical development knowledge to be shared. Who is interested to start sharing openly? Which villages and communities? It can be done in so simple small steps like sharing how to cook something. The most important thing here is creating thriving Open Culture in all these places, so that everyone can benefit from their development and vice-versa. 5) Which centers have knowledge about which technologies and do they realize the potential of going open source? 6) If there is already collaboration happening between at least two centers, this collaboration should become open so that everyone benefits from it - learn and improve it. 7) All these questions are important - how can we spread them through the GEN Network and reach the people? I can explain the benefits of this work. Who wants to help me with that?

My commitment here is communication. For building the collaborative European network we need help - community developers, networkers, subject matter experts, IT people. If anyone is interested to build this Europe wide, let's talk.

Germany specific:
8) I am preparing a video call in German language for participation in OSE - explanation of the why, what and how to participate. Planned release is this Friday. Do you know anyone who may be interested to spread it in Germany, Austria and Switzerland?

9) We need to find the people in Germany who really want go Open Source. Do you have any connections? We are searching for:

  • experienced mentors with the right values.
  • the people with whom to start the first Factor E Farm in Germany.

So all these steps are not to be done tomorrow, but this is what should happen if we really want to succeed as open community creating practical value for us and our children.

On Open Communication: this communication is shared openly in the OSE Wiki (without email contacts), so that everyone knows what we think. This is part of the open way in which we work. Douglas, I have allowed myself to include your words because they don't contain some secrets. To everyone: generally I work openly, if you don't want me to share something publicly, please tell me explicitly. From our experience - sharing openly accelerates exponentially the development and use of our work. http://opensourceecology.org/wiki/Tamera_Communication

Looking forward to your answers!


Hi Nikolay and Christopher,

thank you Christopher for the introduction.

I'm back in the office today after a couple of weeks of building site. Good to hear from you. We have been aware of OSE for a couple of years and are very happy to finally have contact.

As Christopher mentioned, the technology group here, and much of Tamera, is going into a time of planning and re-envisioning over the winter. The project structure will likely look quite different by Spring.

My position here is a member of the technology team. Janos (cc'd) is the technology coordinator. I also cc'd the coordinator of the solarvillage project, Barbara, and Ernesto Sun who is programming the GEN network site, Open Source advocate and a good network contact if you want to reach the ecovillages.

I don't know yet how a collaboration could look, but the wish is here.



Hi Christopher,

thank you for the introduction!

Hi Douglas,

what is your involvement in Tamera?

I assume you already know about Open Source Ecology' vision and goals. In Europe we are growing and will develop also other technologies according to our needs.

It is essential that the eco village network, and especially the bigger eco villages like Tamera, Sieben Linden and so on, participate in the Open Source Technological/Economical Development - because these are things which we all want and we can create much more value together than we think. Also it is essential to strengthen the collaborative develoment of technology between all these different places and people because as we know - every open source project will outbeat and outpeform the propriatary projects when there is the bigger community behind it. If you are interested in these topics, we could skype (nikolay.h.georgiev).

I live and develop Open Source Ecology in Germany. We are currently in the proces of building up the network and I plan to contact Sieben Linden next week. I am also searching for the people from the eco village network who really want to engage in Open Source and also the people who are responsible for the development of the network and the villages themselves - any contacts would be very helpful!

Thank You and Best Wishes to Tamera!


Nikolay: I visited the Tamera open day last weekend. Their technology group has been working on various solar energy related projects for the past few years, most of which is open source. The technology group at Tamera is actually shutting down for a while so they can plan their new direction. They get a lot of people asking whether their work relates with OSE.


Douglas: Nikolay coordinates the OSE efforts in Europe.

Tamera would make an interesting, European test site for Global Village Construction Set technology, though I'm not sure how much fabrication expertise they have on site. There is probably a discussion to be had as to how the objectives of OSE align with Tamera.

More later, but a few links to projects I mentioned. A few OSE people are involved in this:


Also, Daniel's Solar Flower has a novel, self resetting, low cost tracking system:

