The Ten Thousand Factor

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It is common physics knowledge that the sun shines on the Earth a factor of 10,000 times more energy in the form of usable sunlight than we use in the entire modern economy.

The significance of this is profound: energy scarcity issues are a fabrication of global geopolitics. Energy is not naturally scarce.

Simply put - there is plenty of energy for everybody. Not just by a margin of 2 or 10 - but by 10,000. That means that energy issues should be eliminated from determining human relations (geopolitics, oil wars, corporate/military domination of human affairs) - and not just now - but for any foreseeable future.

One in denial of the basic energy facts may claim - "Oh, well, it's impossible to tap solar energy income effectively." This is not true. Photovoltaics are cost effective today. Did you know that if solely all rooftops in the USA were covered with PV, the USA could provide ____x the electricity it uses today? The enewably harvested biomass supply - and I mean regeneratively harvested year after year while improving the ecosystem - is on the order of _____x as large as the current total fossil fuel use - today.
