Tractor CAM files – wheel, bearing, and motor mount plates

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CAM files are included for use with a CNC torch table. We used the Factor e Farm CNC Torch Table to cut out:

  1. Bearing Mount Plates
  2. Motor Mount Plates
  3. Motor Interface Plates
  4. Wheel Mounting Plates

Download files at:

The torch table could cut out the plates replicably from 1/2"x8"x10" stock for bearing plates and motor mount plates - saving large amounts of time over manual cutting, which involves measuring, transfer punching, and marking of the plates - followed by error correction for any miscuts. The torch table did not miscut. For instructions for generating CAM files - using QCad, LinuxCNC, and DXF to GCode Converter, and Vanngcode - see Torch_Table_Build_Prototype_1_Completion

The Bearing Mount Plates, Motor Mount Plates, and Motor Interface Plates are also used in the Soil Pulverizer.