U. Oregon Talk

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Presentation Script

Session 3

Intro thoughts, historical overview, how I got to where - then majority - building off various talks - the universe OSE is creating: the medium of sustainable infrastructures. How these relate to civilization community building that I've been fostering all the time. Which some consider utopian and impossible. But also, how do you build a real place: from utopia to the ground of placemaking. Open ag of Caleb Harper. https://www.ted.com/talks/caleb_harper_this_computer_will_grow_your_food_in_the_future

Food is media, tractor is media. Wouldn't use the Global Village - all cliques etc - but in terms of a global commons - info and tech sharing, resource renewal, bioligical approaches, place making. You get an emergence from this. In the Systems Science sense. Greater than sum of parts, plus practical application. Emergence of flavor of salt from sodium and chloride. Jeremy can imagine the visionaryness and the on-the-ground. The practical tools and environments that we implemented (video emerging out of water). A medium is an environment. New medium is a petri dish - for a new civ. Missouri farm is an environment that uses info tech, nature, face to face, virtual, IT.

Janet: also tie it to a big update. TED-level talk style. Upgrade to the TED talk. Aquaponics.

Too bad that it's only the beginning...

Lens.org that are emerging. Especially the big update. 33% completion. Grand update. And finishing up sooner than later.

Google open+ecology+hardware.

Permaculture ties it all together.

I put up more things that I was talking about. Literally stop the talk and watch the image, and there is new stuff.

Density of slides is high. Open biz models. Dense slides.

TED talk was foundation for intro. Intro is fine - but wants to have the talk that comes after. Use 20% of it - and then go into. Front load it. If someone watched the other video, they wouldn't shut it off.

  • More philosophical this time, filling in history, adding tons of new info. Sprinkling in new info.

Give me a reflection back.

  1. Captivating intro
  2. All OSE results
  3. Big picture points

Put big picture points of talk in a slide. Applied philosophy. Put in a bunch of slides - with big picture.

Platform for springing off to the next 7 years.

Janet + Jeremy Sesssion 2

  • https://oregon2018.iamcr.org/program
  • Shoot for 30 minutes - possibly 40 minutes -
  • https://oregon2018.iamcr.org/opening - 3 intro talks
  • Jeremy is on board of Directors of Eugene Makerspace - http://eugenemakerspace.com/
  • International audience of communicators who will communicate to 70 countries
  • Post-modernist critique of modern narrative
  • Jonas Salk - gave away the polio vaccine, Tesla - attempted to save the world via wireless electricity, Marcin - all of materials resources. Richard Jefferson - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Anthony_Jefferson . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAMBIA . Created https://www.lens.org/lens/ .
  • People are not even aware of the public domain - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain#Value
  • Internet archive - is another flipout - what, you can see my website from 10 years ago?
  • Digital natives do not exist - because you have access, you will be a fact finder. No, people are immersed in entertainment universtiy.
  • Get up to speed to the Conceptual Framework - that there are cultural gaps to where people have a captive mind.
  • Jonas Salk - et al.
  • My last talk was open source hardware - now we want to build a new civilization?
  • This is where communication comes in - What's lost in my work is the context for why this is necessary now for the larger framework of this audience. Nobody gets paid for OS, you just steal. It's true if you think of it at corporate level, but not if you develop a civ toolkit.
  • Biggest complement - establish a starting point of conversation that nobody to date has been as successful.
  • Material communication - wires and cables that we think are ethereal, people think it's all ephemeral.
  • 2T for software but 20T is hardware - primary sector of the economy.
  • Frontload it all.
  • Understanding even that there is any historical norm for open - is important to communicat. Ex NASA does all for the public domain.
  • As scientists, we take for granted the open norms of the public domain. There is a much - grander narrative that these NASA et al guys are promoting.
  • https://archive.org/index.php
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_access
  • Infrastructures of the internet -
  • Examplars of Open Source - overarching is the public good.
  • Another example - Samuel Morse - gave the patent to US Congress - not for public good - but bc he thought telegraph would lead to negative consequences. Then Western Union bought the patent and ran with it.
  • Postal System thought that they should be in charge of communications. In the constitution - Postal Roads should be for the public good and under the Postmaster General. Postal system argued that telegraph should be under postal system. Still arguing about that until 1914. In other countries it is PT&T - Postal, Telegraph, and Telephone. Radio was also was privatized. By the mid 20s, postal service was out of the picture. When radio was emerging in WWI, the US gummit felt it needed to contol radio. And then military, GE, Western Union - they formed RCA - which ended up controlling the radio. Developed privately with gummit sanction. Private companies needed some regulation for radio to work. Mid 20s, a regulated system came out. It was that public broadcasting somewhat lost? PBS didn't come along until the 60s. There was an event in the 20s and 30s - where public and union radios had a difficult time in competing. FCC came in the 40s, and argued for education. In 60s, public broadcasting Act created PBS.
  • The kind of work marcin is doing brings it up to date.
  • Communication infrastructure for OSE needs an open infrastructure.
  • Internet - net neutrality? We have 1 month left to go for Congress. Internet as a technology - they have open source projects for big parts of their projects.
  • L3C - we need to rethink corporate structure.
  • Distributive - is missing
  • How come small guys can't think multidimensionally? In hybrid business models?
  • Do people even know if it's happening? It is happening, and we need to show more people.
  • Compexity, cybernetics, information theory - gets us to deep learning
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenAI
  • https://www.amazon.com/Homo-Deus-Brief-History-Tomorrow/dp/0062464310 - better point of it is - regenerative medicine for example will be transformative. Aren't we talking about upgrading hardware and software systems of us first? Do we need another medium to do that? Such as silicon - can we do it in carbon? Genetic algorithms, biocomputing - hybrid state of dialogue. Point from Jeremy - what's the medium you want to do it in? Can we have bio mediums that do it? I would promote a route that is based on what we are, not what we are not. What is media? What is a medium? What do you want to make the thing out of? Make printers that work out of different materials - yes, but really - what do you want to make the world out of? A native substance or something foreign. So in military, we can make exoskeletons - grow the limb instead of exoskeleton.
  • So, we are simply for efficiency - artificial limb could be an interim solution, but not the long term.
  • Organ transplants for example are hard - it comes down to compatibility. So you need the compatibility there.
  • So Jeremy and Janet are writing a book. We need a broder notion of the Medium. Get into slave and master dialectic.
  • http://carbonfeed.org/
  • James Cameron - Titanic, Alien, Terminator - look at at
  • Janet - Political scientist
  • Being in dialogue is what is going to make the future, not an info silo.
  • Janet was recently in Dubai - there are profound differences. Indeed. They copy consumerism, too.
  • Jeremy concern - open access to environmental activity - new compliance systems based on more sound.
  • Everyone thinks you can join blockchain without owning a server. It just happens to be happening. Not, these are fibers and servers.
  • Cost to run a blockchain farm - compared to value generated. Right.
  • Marshall McLuhan - These are his 4 questions - what does Open Source Ecology enhance? Make better? Take into prominence? What does it obsolete? What does it retrieve from the past that we bring back? What does OSE reverse or flip into when pushed to its extreme? It's simple: the Open Source Ubermensch. What happens when you put the glasses of the Ubermensch upside down? There is his nemesis. We want to not create the Bizarro? What does OSE reverse into when pushed to extreme. What is the Shadow of OSE. This is called the Tetrad of Media Effects. So I better know this stuff for the $840B economy in 20 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bizarro
  • IEET - Institute for Ethics and Emerging Tech - Rushkoff is in there. Most don't admit to being singulitarians (transforming everythings) and transhumanist (just change my pinky finger). Distributive - Rushkoff's New Book -
  • https://web.archive.org/web/20130302135540/http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/biopolitics
  • https://ieet.org/
  • Christopher Alexander + Ward Cunningham - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portland_Pattern_Repository
  • Computation will be a required literacy - like the English language - "That is great given that we are just algorithms without a soul." http://c2.com/ppr/titles.html
  • What is lost in the Shannon-Weaver interpretation?http://c2.com/ppr/titles.html I don't know if all can be computational.
  • The Dalai Lama - 2045 program for avatars - spiritual leaders already talk about a process for downloading consciousness
  • Are we bringing in terror? Yes. Unless we go open source
  • Distributed autonomous organization - Jeremy knows about Unmoney. It's an outgrowth of complex adaptive systems. Jeremy wants people to know that right now.
  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decentralized_autonomous_organization -
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETfaSaywXqM . And also need to speak English in that lexicon.
  • People are attracted to the precedent of history. We are an instance of what's trying to happen for a century. WE can create a community of practice from this.

Janet + Jeremy Session 1

  • Makerspace at U. Oregon - has 3D printers
  • Eco-Arts festival for the 21st
  • Eco-fair - for anyone. On 22nd, 23rd, 24th. Ecomedia Arts Festival on the 21st.
  • https://blogs.uoregon.edu/urbanfarm/about/
  • Arcimoto is based in Eugene - [1]
  • https://library.uoregon.edu/scilib/psc-dearmond-makerspace
  • https://library.uoregon.edu/price-science-commons-research-library
  • https://craftcenter.uoregon.edu/
  • Conference itself - 1100-1200 people.
  • Conference - not open to the public, but opening ceremony is in theater for 1500, with 1200 reserved, so 300 may come from the public. EMU (student Union) Ballroom - food courts - will be a central loation
  • The next level of sustainability - is open source.
  • https://emu.uoregon.edu/. Craft center is in the EMU.
  • https://emu.uoregon.edu/files/plaza.png
  • Craft center has workshop space with welders -
  • Tangible practical application of communication and media
  • Easiest example - is CSAs
  • https://lostvalley.org/
  • http://www.aprovecho.net/
  • Alternative media;
  • Academic conference, but a lot of project involvement.
  • Communication - in establishing cooperation. Shared experience as communication. The ways nature communicates.
  • We need a new notion of what is media in the 21st century. Neil Postman - a medium is a technology withing which a culture grows.
  • Medium as an environment. What are ways we can repair the world, communities, and societies. How can we be enlivened in this space.
  • Distinction between system administrator and users - ex. you can take programming as a second language. "Empowered system administrator".
  • How is education moving in this direction? Lifelong learning. Survivability - basic forms of fitness. Need to have survivability - and then second - a form of fitness for evolving. We will need a second order notion of cultural competency - based on openness, connectedness -
