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Unprecedented. We're here to make history happen. To date, people haven't learned to collaborate. It may sound like people collaborate - but ____---specific poignant examples - if each company operates as a proprietary entity supported by competing investors producing proprietary trade secret products - we have a bit to go. In kindergarten we were told to play nice with each other, but by the time we leave for college, that is just a nice remnant of idealism. At the same time we are running into limits. As wholesale slavery is just about over, except a few remaining examples (sweatshops, foxconn, mining slaves) we;re pretty good, but the world remains at environmental and nuclear risk. Thems that gots gets more, and the economy has not yet learned to share its profits fairly. It's fair if you're at the top, but not so fair at the bottom. Humanity needs a great leap forward into collaboration, and here we come forth with this proposition: what if we develop human enterprise collaboratively? Not new age songs - but the substance of economy. Machines. Industrial productivity on a small scale (torch, weld, 3D print, WAAM, lumber). This is real, and open source. But it's just the proofs of concept. Productization means getting quality control up so that it's not the developer, but the wide public - can get access. Through our decade or two of collaborative development, we produced lots of prototypes - and a few products - but the challenge of taking prototypes to the public takes effort. So we collaborate. This year we are releasing the Seed Home 2, and hosting a large hackathon to develop a replicable enterprise model by documenting the designs in detail and producing training materials, and kicking off a 3 month immersion program for movement entrepreneuers. Are you young at heart and do you want to change the world? Do you have the discipline to get there - and the transparency to work collaborative and 100% open source? Then join us. We are opening enrollment to 1 person from each north american state, and 1 person from 60 more countries. We will teach you to build homes. But not any homes - but incremental housing with an off grid electric, a closed-loop system water option, a food producing greenhose, and a garage-scale microfactory with 3D printer, torch, and mill.This means you'll be learning the basic house build in 3 months - and if you want to take on further study, we have a one year mentorship set up to get you there. But this requires collaborative effort. So we are not starting until we get a minimum of 48 candidates enrolled, so you are not working alone, but as a highly coordinated team of world changers distributed throughout the world. We can help you with funding, such that by end of year 1 you are up and producing. We have scholarships for each person that does this. Once we get 144 house orders secured, we are starting the training on site: September 1, 2020. See you there.