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Born in 1977 and raised on love, dirt, and food grown and hunted on Badgersett Farm, I have an abiding regard for the interconnectedness of the world. At around age six I also began to want to be an astronaut, which led to the long- term interest in space exploration that has driven a substantial portion of my work in engineering. At around age thirty I became convinced that the best long-term contribution to the world I could make would be in relation to the agricultural research and development pioneered on the farm where I grew up. I have maintained a strong interest in and connections with the more standard engineering world, for my own benefit as well as to facilitate worthwhile projects.

A Quick Career Timeline: 1977-1996 Badgersett, Primary and Secondary schooling. 1996-2000 Swarthmore College Engineering, Badgersett Summers, Biorobotics Lab Internship; B.S. in Engineering (general). 2000-2001 Grain/Crop Dehydrator development in Wuhan, China for NeoEdge, Inc. 2001-2009 Graduate work in Biorobotics Lab at Case Western Reserve University; Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. 2009-2015 COO at Badgersett Research Corp.