Ahoy! My name is Nohbdy Ahtall. I want to...
Help bring about permissively licensed, public domain creations of code, art, ideas, systems, and beyond.
...and, though I may be repeating myself here, I want to do it in a way that is...
anti-profit/un-revenue, donation-only(PWYW), open/libre-source software and hardware, and public domain knowledge and content creation
The MD0 license I created is my first step towards this. It is built off of the CC0-1.0 license, and remains quite similar, yet attempts extra oomph towards anti-trademark and anti-patent aspects. Check this comparison of CC0-1.0 to MD0-0.7 here since it's every word of legalese that matters. MD0 - as well as CC0, Copyleft, leftcopy, and similar licenses - is a great example of what I'm all about, and where my intents and motivations are: free, long-lasting stuff for humankind. That's what your donations would be going toward. Not proprietary black-boxes, not trade secrets, not profit-oriented nonsense. Blueprints, knowledgebases, frameworks... things that can be infinitely replicated and distributed. These are powerful support structures for creators of physical/tangible things, too.
Founder of GPDMCC, the Game Programming & Development club[1], and person who spread the word of OSE commonly wherever I go.
I support embracing for the remote side of participation in OSE (as well as nearly all things: Telerobotics being an ultimate)
💌 Donate?:
- ↑ GPDMCC server - "Club" as a term might not fit, so maybe: phyle, guild, virtual community of practice, etc.
- Programming & Software Engineering.
- Game Programming & Development.
- CC0 (Public Domain), and Copyleft where it makes sense.
- MD0 (custom-made) license[1], which tries to be CC0 with anti-trademark and anti-patent aspects. Part-permissive, part... tradeleft? ..patentleft?.
- OSE(Open Source Ecology)'s goals(minus the Enterprise focus), and the GVCS(Global Village Construction Set).
- Abolishment of work(employment), therefore UIB(Universal Basic Income) or similar.
- Dismantling broken systems, typically via inventing.
- Intersectional Liberation, LGBTQIA+, Anti-Bigotry, Indigenous Culture and Systems.
- HomeLab[2] and all it brings.
- Remote Telerobotics, as well as simpler [ remote work].
- Modularity & Software Capital and "Finely-Graduated, Granular Software[3]", Modular Software
- ↑ See the MD0-0.6 license(right) compared via Diff with CC0(left):
- ↑ Hypervisors(Proxmox), Virtual Machines, Containers, Mesh Networking, GPU passthrough(for games and all other GPU abilities), hyper-converged infrastructure, and much more.
- ↑ Watch this:
Suggested Projects/Programs For You or I
Or, perhaps just something to think about:
- EndlessOS for an offline-oriented OS.
- Godot as a key tool, games or otherwise.
- Games in general as a better-designed method of edutainment, training, learning, with the purer "fun-oriented" systems always nearby to incentivize the reverse(keeping the learning material nearby).
- Gamification - though misused and lacking in proper utilization(like edutainment) - has major potential.