User:Sodel the V

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I'm a Canadian power engineer (also known as a stationary engineer), trained at the BC Institute of Technology's two-year program. My specialty is practical boiler/steam plant operation. I know the math for fluid statics and dynamics, heat transfer, thermodynamics (especially the Rankine cycle), combustion, physics, and strength of materials. And, I'm very familiar with the Canadian legislation around boiler and steam plant construction and operation. (ASME, CSA, Boiler & Pressure Vessel Acts, Power Engineer Regulations, etc.)

I've also played around with finite element analysis (I use Elmer, and have studied Fenics), 3D CAD modeling (FreeCAD and Geomagic Design), and 3D printing.
I also spend a lot of time learning and thinking about about fusion power and plasma confinement, high-power Stirling engines, small-scale solar power (mostly via steam engines, turbines, or Stirling engines, not photovoltaics), and cheap ways to 3D print metal in particular.
Before power engineering, I was a software developer. I have comprehensive knowledge of computer software and hardware. I mainly coded in assembly, C, Python, and Lisp. Mozilla's new language, Rust, excites me also.