Video Memory Requirements
4k, Full HD, HD
Full HD
- Full HD is 2.1 Megapixel - [3]
- 1 Gig card stores 1000 pictures, or 30 minutes at Full HD 30 fps
- Standard cheapo 32G cards - 16 hours.
- One full day of storage is 43Gig.
- Cheapo USB sticks are $3/32 Gig - [4]
- $10 from China for 256 gig - [5]
Completely Depends on Compression and Bitrate
4k 60 fps:
- From about 3MB/sec to nearly 1 MB/sec.
One picture at 4k - also depends:
- Basically, 4k is about 4000x2000 pixels, or 8 megapixels. [6]. Far more important than resolution for picture quality is contrast, light, etc.
General Considerations
- Think of 8 Megapixel as 8MB.
- By this figure, 60 fps, one minute of it, is 30 GB.
- Thus, video must be compressed naturally by cameras, otherwise image size is too large.
- 4k appears to be overrated. Cinema is 2k - full HD. [7]
- Frame rate for TV and Movies - 24 fps. Sports and news - 30 fps - [8]
- Use Handbrake to compress videos by up to 10x.
- Case for 4k - you can get 8 MP stills from video, but only 2 MP images from Full HD video. [9]
- VLC converts from 4k to full HD - [10]