Voltage Drop Calculator

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Thin Pipe

  • Calculator - [1]
  • Wire Source: - https://www.radiofence.com/heavy-duty-pet-fence-boundary-wire-1-000-feet
  • 4% loss at 240V, for 1000 feet, 14 ga
  • Say 1000 feet of wire - 14 - $180 for 2 strands.
  • 240v to 24v charger - $80 [2],
  • 240VAC
  • 2amp gets 480watts to the end point
  • Use doggie wire -
  • PV - 3000W array - say 2000W average over 6 hours. Or 24 hour average of 500W.
  • Storage in 12 motorcycle batteries - is about 1200Whrs.
  • About 400W from the charger assuming charging loss. For 18 hours (outside of day) - 7200 Watt hours. 6x more than the batteries store.
  • 700 watts microwave - 3 minutes - 1.5 watts over the day
  • circulator pump - 60W
  • blower - only during day
  • $40 smart charger - 5A - [3].

Fat Pipe

  • 1/0 triple wire is $1.33/foot - [4]
  • 4/0 triple - ? Platte-Clay Electric - [5] - $1.43/foot - 3% - 40A
  • 2/0 triple -
  • 1/0, 1/0, #2 triple - 86 cents - 20 A at 1000 feet rating by the book 3% drop. Available next week.


  • 235 volts at the end of a 4/0 pipe on 50A.
  • With another 1000 feet on a 1/0 pipe, voltage goes down to 225.
  • With another 1000 feet on a 4/0 pipe, voltage goes down to 230.
  • Typically, appliances are designed for 10% voltage tolerance. [6]

Transfer Switch

  • 60A 240V transfer switch - [7]. 4x13.5x11.5 inch dimensions.