Why the Village Must Be Based on Distributed Market Substitution

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Why is the open production of common goods important?

The fact that most may be unaware of: 10x automatic resource efficiency!

Take a cordless drill, or a charge controller, or even a car. Design it around common parts, and open source the blueprints - so the user decides the useful life span of a product. This would thus be free of planned or unplanned obsolescence.

Repair or simple part replacement means the object doesn't end up in the trash: it continues its useful life.

The implications for social justice are significant. If a person removes the 'consumable' nature from durable goods, then we save 13% of our wealth. [1]. 13% of spending is 'durable goods.' We note that these durable goods are not really durable. You throw them away when one tiny part breaks. Open source distributed market substitution can mean the transition to repairability - where parts retain the vast majority of their value even if they are used.

Now 13% is not the entirety of the cost of living. Because we can add to it housing (16%) and other 'consumable goods' like food and gasoline (23%). These can be obtained regeneratively as a one-time cost via hydrogen and biogas generation, and agrihoods can produce food in a model of integrated agricultural production.

Thus, distributed market substitution can add up to 52% reduction of the cost of living through durable and not durable goods - without considering the service economy.