Wiki Guidelines

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The main thing that one needs to know about the wiki and not be upset about - is that the wiki can be a mess. IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE THIS WAY. The wiki is a database. As such, every entry is a piece of data that can potentially feed into another page and be displayed. It is a sandbox which the entire OSE community community can use for notes, early design, discussions - everything is a go outside of what is clearly spam - such as advertising for Viagra. Otherwise - if the content has anything to do with sustainability, open source, and regenerative developmemt - DO NOT ERASE. It may be just the start of someone's notes or page.

With that said - how does a wiki become useful? Because the wiki is a database - disply of this data can be separated from the data. Some wiki pages may feed into well-formatted pages elsewhere on the wiki. This is why no page should not be deleted - outside of clear spam.

Neat, graphical interfaces can be added on top of the wiki in various ways. This is being developed for the OSE wiki. We currently use Dozuki as an external graphical index - see more information on the Dozuki page.

Once you understand that the Wiki is a database and that there are unseen pages or scripts that can parse the wiki - your heart will be put to rest.

If you would like to assist this process - you can start new pages that index older information. If you would like to be considered for a role as an official wiki maintainer, then we can train you to do this if you have the aptitude - email us at info at opensourceecology dot org.


For editing instructions, see Instructions