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- 5 tons per capita CO2 per year [1]
- Bullet - 2x speed of sound [2]
- F22 - 1500 mph, 2x the speed of sound, faster than a bullet. High cost due on stealth and sensor features[3]
- Rockets - if manned airplanes, they are faster, but less maneuverable. Thus, start with rocket and go to plane - that's what Chris Laski's SDB does
- GLSDB - [4]. Source was only 230mph. [5]. Current models will go as fast as carrier (plane or rocket)
- S300 goes up to match 8 or so (faster than target), but its slower interceptors can take down things moving 10000 mph when the interceptor is moving 2000 mph [6]. S400s have 24 kg warheads. In the limit of 0 velocity, we could do a drone mist of warheads. For 100% duty cycle, would need redundant fleets. Do some calculations.
- Terminal velocity of freefall - only up to a few hundred mph [7]
- Max slant range of Gephard anti air is 4 km, vertical is 10 km
National Budgets
- 1/5 if US budget goes to defense. 3% to education, similar to science. Each F22 jet costs $300M, but it can fly faster than a bullet and intercept cruise missiles. [8]
USA - 2B acres, half in agriculture, more in forest. Thus 3 acres of farm per person, 6 acres per person total. [9]
- World acres - 123 billion acres in size, of which 37 billion acres are land. Of this, 1.5% is urban area. Read Who Owns the World.
- Global farmland is approximately 19 million square miles, or approximately 12 billion acres.
- 40.8% of USA land is farmland - [10], or 911 million acres - [11]
- For 30,000 OSE Campuses at 1000 acres each, that is an intended total of 30 million acres, or 3% of US farmland. However, we need only 700 Campuses for a $35B net budget.
- Small farms (231 acres or less) are 88% of farms in America [12]
Artificial Economics
- US farmers lose an average of $60/acre before subsidies, and make $20/acre after subsidies - [13]. What is the size of an average farm in the usa? 444 acres. [14]. So farmers are typically below poverty line at about $10k made per year? Very large farms are 2000 acres - so make $40k/year? $20/acre profit does not make sense.
- Worldometer
- It costs 10 cents in feed per laying chicken per day assuming no foraging - [15]. There is an added cost of 22 weeks until laying age.
- Max current genetics of hazel crop - 3000 lb/acre dry kernel + 5000 lb shell (fuel) - 49:48 of [16] - 10 lb/plant
- Average USA corn crop - 8000 lb - [17]
- Average USA soybean crop - 2700 lb - [18]
- USA average soil erosion is 5 tons per acre for agricultural land - [19]
- Approximately 10 million acres of cropland are lost every year due to erosion (a square more than 100 miles on the side), or 4- [20]
- 36 billion acres of land on earth - [21]
- total biomass yield of USA provides almost 2x the USA use of gasoline equivalent from biomass to gasoline and fuel char for gasifier engine -
- total land and sea area to cover food needs per person - 1.7 acres.
- arable land usa - .5 ha/person
- World Military Spending - $1.7T
- US GDP - $17T, and Government Budget- $7T
- World GDP - or GWP - $85T
- World energy use - 144 PWhr
- USA Military Spending - $640B - $2k per capita spending
- USA Trillion Military Budget - [22]
- $40B organics market - That makes it
- Annual sustainable forest yield of 12.5B cubic meters or 105 exajoules - [23], p. 615
- Annual energy use by USA - 94 exajoules
- US energy consumption by sector - 40% electricity, 30% transportation - [24]
- Total USA energy use - 25 PWhr - [25] - (petawatt hours (See Metric Prefixes))
- Equivalent to 90 exajoules, consistent with Renewable Energy "Blue Bible" above.
- 250GW of PV is installable on existing rooftops - Cosservative estimate (50% of residential rooftops) - [26]
- Per year, let's take average insolation as 6 hours per day * 365 days - or 550 TWhr per year. That is 2% of USA's energy use, or 5% of USA's electric use. This is JUST RESIDENTIAL ROOFTOPS. Needs to add commercial rooftops, parking lots, roadway medians.
- USA road density - 67 km/ 100 sq km of area - [27]
- USA area - 10 million sq km
- USA roads - 6.7 million km. Assume an average road is 2 lane with shoulder - each lane has 12 foot (3.7m) standard in the USA - [28] - or an area of about 100,000 sq km. This could power 1/4 of the world's energy needs (oil, nukes, solar)
- Area required to power all of the world with PV is 400,000 sq km - [29]
- Total forest area of the world - 4 billion hectares - [30] - 30% of land area of world.
- Total farmland area worldwide -
- Total land area - 150M sq km - google
- Total agriculture land - 33% of world land according to FAO - [31]
- Energy per capita US vs Switzerland - As an indicator, the average energy use per person is 12,000 watts in the USA but only 3,000 in the Switzerland - [32]
- Percentage of USA energy by source. Coal electricity is 40% - [33]
- Half of USA rooftops could replace all coal electricity in the USA - [34]
- World electricity production 2009 - 20PWh - [35]
- Area of all cities compared to world land area - 0.5% - [36] - or 750,000 sq km.
- Average driving distance - 13.5k miles/yr - USA - [37]
- Average commute, USA - 14 miles - [38]
- Tesla Model S battery - $12k for 10 years of service - [39]
- This source says 5 years of service - [40]
- Given $1200/year battery costs of Tesla Model S, cost of fuel or electricity is $1700 - no savings - between the electric and regular fuel option approximately at the 15,000 mile per year mark - according to cost calculator at [41]
- Lithium Ion batteries - predicted to go down to under $200/kWh -[42]
- Nickel-Iron battery energy density - 50Wh/kg - [43]
- Lithium reserves - 13 million tons worldwide - [46]
- One study shows there are supplies for EVs until 2100 (about a 100 year supply)
- EVs could replace 75% of petroleum fuel - [47]
- Materials cost for a 18650 cell (Lithium Ion) is $1.25 (about 4W) - [48]
- Lithium is $40/lb - [49]
- According to this source - [50] - we have 100 years of nickel reserves, nad 200 years of iron and aluminum.
- Nickel - $6/lb
- Iron - 20 cents/lb
- Sustainable Energy Without the Hot Air - [51]
- Paper on Lithium Ion vs. fuel cars - LCA - using E199 and Total Beauty frameworks. We can make a case for a much higher Total Beauty Framework using renewable fuel (charcoal) - [52]
- Study E199 and Total Beauty
- Embodied energy of common products - [53]
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