[hide]Team Culturing Information
last updated: 13. August, 2011
WHO are you?
- Name - Will Cleaver Separate Technical Skills page.
- Location (city, country) - Between Durham and London, England
- Contact Information (email, Skype) - willcleaver (at) gmail (dot) com, williamcleaver
- Introductory Video - Click here to see my youtube channel
- Resume/CV -
Spent 6 months at FeF in 2010.
Co-designed and built LifeTrac 2, Power Cube 2, Automated Chicken egg incubator.
Helped build 150ton hole puncher, Heavy duty drill press.
Fixed water catchment.
CAD designer. (SolidWorks, Blender, Qcad)
CNC (CAD to G-code)
Metal Fabricator (weld, torch, grind, etc)
Builder (Architecture CAD, Bricklaying)
Carpenter (well rounded carpentry skill)
Electronics (officially studying)
Professionally, at the moment, I'm a rope access supervisor in charge of a team of 30 men.
WHY are you motivated to support/develop this work?
- Do you endorse open source culture?
100%. The free exchange of information gives way to an open collaborative environment.
- Why are you interested in collaborating with us?
Because Open-Source is the present and the future!
- How do you think that the GVCS can address pressing world issues?
It can provide us with a free collaborative environment that will allow human concern for each other to move above the pursuit of monetary profit.
- What should happen so that you become more involved with the project?
Anything that allows me to spend all my time and energy on the project instead of having to work a separate job for income and spend my spare time on it.
- What are you missing in the project?
More open avenues to collaborate on projects full time in all continents.
- What are your suggestions for improvement of the project?
Help grow it in Europe so we can work on it here full time.
- List all of your skills in these areas: Communications - Organizational - Computer Support - Finances - Design - Natural Building - Electronics - Automation - Metallurgy - Engineering - Fabrication - Agriculture - Energy - Architecture - Video/Graphics/Art - PR/Marketing - Education - Construction - Industry - CNC - Chemistry - Product Design - Other
Communications - Officially studying electronics.
Organizational - I like the concept presented by / I organize 8 to 30 workers on a day to day basis professionally.
Computer Support - Good at CAD and ok with Linux.
Finances - Can present concepts and ask for funding.
Design - CAD, Blender, Qcad (architecture).
Natural Building - CAA;
Architecture and building experience.
Electronics - Officially studying electronics, learning Arduino. Check out "sciguy14" on youtube.
Automation - Can generate G-code for CNC applications
Metallurgy - Interested in Induction Furnace intricacies.
Engineering - CAD, CAM, CAE, and circuit design + power electronics in the near future
Fabrication - I have well rounded shop skills
Agriculture - not much knowledge but I know where to look for info.
Energy - Helping the Solar Fire project
Architecture - Can design in Qcad, Sketchup.
Video/Graphics/Art - proficient at Kdenlive, AVID and Sony Vegas.
PR/Marketing - Helping the Open-Source network on the internet.
Education - Have taught for 2+ years
Construction - Helped build a house, did a basic brick laying course.
Industry - I have management experience in the construction industry.
CNC - Learning it. can produce G-code but have not used it on a mill or torch table yet.
Chemistry - Studied a few atoms.
Product Design - I'm good with Solidworks, Blender and Qcad. Starting with Rhino 3D and their Tsplines technology.
Other - Human Environment Design - Theorised and philosophised on it:)
- How have you already contributed to the project?
Yes, with a donation. By spending 6 months at FeF developing and building GVCS tools and by instigating Open Source Ecology Europe.
HOW can you help?
- How are you interested in contributing to the work of GVCS development?
By helping design and prototype tools that are currently not being worked on and in any other way suggested if I can.
- Can you volunteer to work with us, and if so, how many hours per week?
Currently about 10 hours a week.
- Are you interested in working with us for pay? If so, what services can you offer, and what is your hourly or per-project rate?
Yes, I can research tools and model parts in SolidWorks. If my time frees up with the job change I'm looking for I can prototype too. Pay-wise I'd not expect to be paid unless I was in a position where I would need to pay for food and maybe rent to be able to work on the project full time.
- Are you interested in Dedicated Project Visit?
Yes, but VISA restrictions are very limiting in the US.
- Are you interested in purchasing equipment from us to help bootstrap development?
I'd rather make it following documentation instructions:)
- Are you interested in bidding for consulting/design/prototyping work?
For design work sure. Prototyping too if I get onto land.
- Are you a True Fan? If not, why not?
I gave a donation in 2010. I'm not too well off money wise at the moment and also banned form PayPal!:)
- Would you like to see yourself working with us on a full-time basis?
Yes. Due to VISA restrictions it would probably have to be from Europe though.
- Are you interested in using the technologies that we are developing directly?
- Are you interested in being part of the world's first, open source, resilient community? The GVCS is the preparatory step for the OSE Village Experiment - a 2 year, immersion experiment (2013-2014) for testing whether a real, thriving, modern-day prototype community of 200 people can be built on 200 acres using local resources and open access to information? We are looking for approximately 200 people to fill a diverse array of roles, according to the Social Contract that is being developed. This may be the boldest social experiment on earth - a pioneering community whose goal is to extend the index of possibilities regarding harmonious existence of humans, ecology, and technology - as a beacon of light to benefit of all people on Earth.
Absolutely! It would probably have to be in Europe for VISA allowances to permit me 2 years of stay in one place.
Dedicated Project Visit Application
See also: /resume
Apprentice Application
1.William Cleaver, 31, Male
2.5 Newcastle Road, Durham, DH1 4AG, United Kingdom
3.Contact: Skype - williamcleaver, Email –
4.Best time to be reached – after 5pm GMT
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6.V-Radio mentioned the OSEM in 2009 and I then looked it up on the internet.
7.I'm available to apprentice from around the 20 of march 2010 for 3 or 6 months.
8.I would like to help out wherever I can and learn new self sustaining methods. Afterwards, I am very interested in taking my knowledge to other self sustaining communities in South America.
9.From what I've seen on your website and youtube videos I'm most interested in building solar panels, metal work, block/brick laying and food cultivation.. Skills I already have are basic bricklaying skills (I have helped a bricklayer build a house and have laid blocks rebuilding a chimney I'm working on at the moment). In my job at the moment I use many tools. I.E; metal grinders, “Stihl” saws, drills, breakers and general DIY tools. Relevant skills I already have are basic brick laying and welding skills. Ropework experience, woodwork experience and general DIY experience.
10.As a child I went to school in Chile, South America until I was 10, then I went to school in The Netherlands for a year, and since the age of 13 I went to school in England. I have a degree in Italian and Spanish. I'm a Rope Access Technician level 2 and have also worked as a Steeplejack for a year.
11.My resume
12.I perceive my reaction to living and learning with new and unknown people in a rural area to be a very good experience for both parties as I am friendly, a great cooperator and very keen to learn about new self-sustaining methods I can contribute to. I am very traveled and am used to being around new people in new surroundings.
13.Yes, I can pay for any food that I need that is not provided on the farm.
14.Unfortunately as I live in England at the moment I will not be able to visit and interview with you prior to my stay. I could interview on skype though.
15.I don't smoke.
16.I have no dietary restrictions.
17.I have no problem eating meat raised at the farm.
18.I could use plains, trains and automobiles to get to the farm but I do not own transportation in the US.
19.I have monetary savings to support myself while volunteering with you.
20.I don't have any medical conditions or physical limitations that will affect my ability to do physical work, or any emotional or psychological issues that will affect my ability to do work in general.
21.Other considerations: --
22.Special Interests: I'm interested in expanding my welding and brick laying skills and am very interested in learning how to make solar panels. I'm sure when I see other projects that are under way at the farm I will be very interested in learning more and contributing towards them. Out of work, my hobbies at the moment are rock climbing and reading.
23.I have my own views on politics and religion but I tend to keep them to myself and further my understanding of them through reading and the internet.
24.I speak 3 languages fluently. I have traveled to about 30 different countries. I have friends all over the world.
25.Three things people living with me should know are that I'm never judgmental, I'm very patient and I shower at night.
26.At the moment I'm not considering any other farms but in the future I think I'll be interested in looking into other farms in south America.
27.Rough accommodation is not a problem for me.
1., email;, phone; +44 (0)1327 876000
2., email;, phone; (0562) 946-0247
3.Jean Bell, email;, phone; +44 191 386 2352. skype: jean.millicent.bell
Text copied from WilliamCleaver
Apprentice Application
1.William Cleaver, 31, Male
2.5 Newcastle Road, Durham, DH1 4AG, United Kingdom
3.Local phone - +447587495700, Skype - williamcleaver, Email –
4.Best time to be reached – after 5pm GMT
6.V-Radio mentioned the OSEM and I then looked it up on the internet.
7.I'm available to apprentice from around the 20 of march 2010 for 6 months.
8.I would like to help out wherever I can and learn new self sustaining methods. Afterwards, I am very interested in taking my knowledge to other self sustaining communities in South America.
9.From what I've seen on your website and youtube videos I'm most interested in building solar panels, metal work, block/brick laying and food cultivation.. Skills I already have are basic bricklaying skills (I have helped a bricklayer build a house and have laid blocks rebuilding a chimney I'm working on at the moment). In my job at the moment I use many tools. I.E; metal grinders, “Stihl” saws, drills, breakers and general DIY tools. Relevant skills I already have are basic brick laying and welding skills. Ropework experience, woodwork experience and general DIY experience.
10.As a child I went to school in Chile, South America until I was 10, then I went to school in The Netherlands for a year, and since the age of 13 I went to school in England. I have a degree in Italian and Spanish. I'm a Rope Access Technician level 2 and have also worked as a Steeplejack for a year.
12.I perceive my reaction to living and learning with new and unknown people in a rural area to be a very good experience for both parties as I am friendly, a great cooperator and very keen to learn about new self-sustaining methods I can contribute to. I am very traveled and am used to being around new people in new surroundings.
13.Yes, I can pay for any food that I need that is not provided on the farm.
14.Unfortunately as I live in England at the moment I will not be able to visit and interview with you prior to my stay. I could interview on skype though.
15.I don't smoke.
16.I have no dietary restrictions.
17.I have no problem eating meat raised at the farm.
18.I could use plains, trains and automobiles to get to the farm but I do not own transportation in the US.
19.I have monetary savings to support myself while volunteering with you.
20.I don't have any medical conditions or physical limitations that will affect my ability to do physical work, or any emotional or psychological issues that will affect my ability to do work in general.
21.Other considerations: --
22.Special Interests: I'm interested in expanding my welding and brick laying skills and am very interested in learning how to make solar panels. I'm sure when I see other projects that are under way at the farm I will be very interested in learning more and contributing towards them. Out of work, my hobbies at the moment are rock climbing and reading.
23.I have my own views on politics and religion but I tend to keep them to myself and further my understanding of them through reading and the internet.
24.I speak 3 languages fluently. I have traveled to about 30 different countries. I have friends all over the world.
25.Three things people living with me should know are that I'm never judgmental, I'm very patient and I shower at night.
26.At the moment I'm not considering any other farms but in the future I think I'll be interested in looking into other farms in south America.
27.Rough accommodation is not a problem for me.
1., email;, phone; +44 (0)1327 876000
2., email;, phone; (0562) 946-0247
3.Jean Bell, email;, phone; +44 191 386 2352. skype: jean.millicent.bell
Text copied from Will Cleaver: