XM CAD Flash Mob Strategy
In general, the key strategy of OSE is Breakdown as in the SEBD (including Interface Design between components). This strategy allows us to create effective and rapid CAD generation.
CAD generation occurs in 3 scenarios: first, for things that haven't been built; second, in the case where 2D design is available, but 3D files are missing; and third, for things that are built already and for which 3D CAD is not yet available. We will focus on the last one - since that is the most prevalent case to date with OSE work. This happens because design changes are usually made during product builds - or iterative builds take off from a last prototype without new CAD being generated.
Optimal Scenario: CAD Flash Mobs
In the optimal scenario - a virtual meeting may be held and this meeting could result in complete CAD generation in a 2 hours work session. This is possible when measurements for a complete device are available - as taken via 3D scanning (see XM_3D Scanning Strategy), physical measurement, or CMM.
The process would be (for a remote session):
- CAD Flash Mob is recruited for a virtual social event (Virtual Flash Mob)
- Everyone joins a voice chat (with headphones to eliminate background noise) platform
- Platform shows the existing documentation
- Platform also shows the 3D CAD that is being created
- While the above is typically done through a professional collaborative cloud 3D CAD package, similar functionality may be hacked readily from existing software.
Creative solutions could produce excellent results in the absence of a professional cloud cad package. Here is one suggestion:
- A Project Page for a given product shows a video of measurements walkthrough, back-of-envelope sktetches, 3D scans (dimensioned correctly)
- The Flash Mob uses Online conferencing - people can coordinate on progress and division of labor.
- Each person draws up a separate part by any means possible (Sketchup, FreeCAD, or other).
- Completed files are uploaded to session CAD Master on an ongoing basis.
- CAD Master imports and assembles all parts in a professional CAD package
- A separate screen share site displays the CAD Master's creation in real time.