XM Flash Mob Strategy

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Flash mobs are on-demand, real-time, volunteer, virtual work groups where a number of people come together for rapid development sessions. This may involve design, CAD, strategic development, video editing, or other sessions.

This technique involves:

  1. Gathering a group of people and organizing them by subject matter areas of expertise
  2. Calling a flash mob together for a work session.
  3. Expected commitment is 1-2 hours per week via a working teleconference.
  4. The platform for doing this should include voice communication, central shared screen, and file sharing for collaboration- in absence of a dedicated platform.
  5. A dedicated platform should be created to accommodate the team development needs.
  6. The work session requires:
    1. Organizer to call out and run a session - organizer presents a working problem
    2. People prepare beforehand - by understanding what the work session will be about
    3. Preparation of a clear problem statement and preparatory materials
    4. Specific procedure for collaboration, material sharing, and upload
    5. Skilled participants to get work done

Running a Flash Mob session

  • Flash Mob leader produces a Flash Mob Brief to outline the work needs.
  • This Brief is communicated to the respective Flash Mob members.
  • Commited of 1-2 hours per week in a given Flash Mob Area occurs as called a week in advance by Flash Mob Leader
  • Flash Mob working session of 1-2 hours/week, on a regular basis (such as General Research every Tuesday, CAD on Wednesday, Design on Thursday, Recruiting on Friday, etc.)
  • Flash Mob leader writes a Flash Mob Results Brief


We need someone to help on a Flash Mob platform for recruiting and calling working sessions.

It would be useful to develop a simple platform:

  • Survey such as this but focusing specifically on Flash Mob Recruitment:
    • What is your subject matter area of expertise (see area of technical expertise Subject Matter Experts) + organizational development + augmented reality + app programming + interface design + enterprise scaling + video editing + resource development + business plan writing + strategic development + legal support + curriculum development + tax structuring + recruiting + storytelling + social entrepreneurship + community management + etc)
  • Platform for communication - simple screen share + chat + conference call + document uploads
  • At best - pools of candidates would appear with credentials - these could be drag-and-dropped into a working window for an email to be sent to all of them. This would facilitate the process.


Online conferencing