Yale Collaboration

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Yale Sustainable Business Consulting Team Report


  • OSE compares favorably to competitors, and offers a more expansive product than the only product that can match its cost or build time. OSE’s competitive advantage can be summarized in the following positioning statement: “For sustainability conscious family home seekers, OSE’s Seed Eco-Home is a modular, prefabricated 1,000 square foot home that can be built in less than 5 days. Unlike current market offerings, the Seed Eco-Home has the benefits of a prefabricated home, at comparable build time and lower price per square foot of a tiny-home.”
  • SWOT Analysis
    • Strengths: Unique product positioning which delivers unique benefits to the end user, which hasn’t been addressed by other market competitors
    • Weaknesses: The viability of the Seed Eco-Home still needs to be fully tested with a client to gain traction and credibility
    • Opportunities: Partnering with an NGO to test viability of product potentially at loss to establish OSE in the market
    • Threats: Sustainable 3D-printed homes are starting to enter the market, offering a logistically easy, low-cost, modular solution which requires little to no labor and can be built in just a matter of days, potentially undercutting the prefabricated home market in the near future.
  • Positioning Statement: “For sustainability conscious family home seekers, OSE’s Seed-EcoHome is a modular, prefabricated 1,000 square foot home that can be built in less than 5 days. Unlike current market offerings, the Seed Eco-Home has the benefits of a prefabricated home, at the cost and build time of a tiny-home.”

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Feb 24, 2022


Team Log


OSE Presentation - Feb 15


Feb 8, 2022

Introductory Questionnaire
