Yale Fox
Meeting 11/13/19
- Crowpi - https://www.elecrow.com/crowpi-compact-raspberry-pi-educational-kit.html
- Sketch - closed source version of Inkscape
- Curriculum - [1]
- https://www.pianywhere.com/ - phone too? Doesn't look like it.
- Reformatting the Curriculum - [2]
Meeting 1
- Doing an app
- Went to TED Summit - sees pieces missing from all TED FEllows - ops
- Masters at Cybersecurity - showing how fake news spreads on encrypted channels.
- https://pi-hole.net/
- https://hrf.org/
- https://rentlogic.com/
- Decks, pitch, fundraising - Yale's strength
- Help for Fellows
- Fellows, their network - through script from LinkedIn
- More than money in Venture is Deal Flow
- Do what your superpower - Jae Rhim should not be doing ops
- Say $800 for a product dev
- Yale knows how to hire. Ex. key from $4500 to $75
- Yale knows a few people who can CAD and render
- AI commmons -
- https://schmidtfutures.com/
- Drew Curtis - friend of Steve Netzley
- Write me 2 paragraphs - and give me a week or 2 to present a clear deck to see how it works, and what is the long term vision.
- Yale knows the Llowes family