Augmented Reality

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  • Often abbreviated as AR
  • A "layering" of digital data similar to that used in VR or MR, but layered directly over real life
  • Thus a semi-transparent "screen" is used
  • Can use inside out, or outside in tracking, although inside out is most common due to the highly mobile nature of most AR applications
  • Most common tracking methods are
  • The core displays are easy (phone, phone and Google Cardboard type headset, dedicated AR HMD)
  • The main challenges are:
    • Tracking
    • Software (This is changing with OpenXR though..._
    • Social Acceptance (especially of bulky, goofy looking headsets being "what works", and fashionable headsets like Google Glass (which isn't TECHNICALLY ar...), and Magic Leap , being near useless )

Main OSE Use Cases

Visually guided assemblies

  • Can use a headset or some sort of handheld display
  • Uses Object Recognition to see where the "parts" and "tools" are, and then calculate + show what needs to be done in the current "step"
  • May be hardware intensive, but is doable, especially with [AR/MR/VR Display Tethering]]


  • Open Source AR CAD Software
  • Essentially fiddling around with your hands, but it goes to cad
  • May allow for multiple people, if using a very connected work enviroment, or a LARGE pc/server capable of many virtual clients

Art Displays, Games, and other Entertainment Use

  • It's been done at some film festivals, but may? have less potential as VR or MR


  • Project North Star is VERY capable hardware wise
    • Still needs software, but this is developing
  • The main issue is the need for a 3D Printer, Maker Experience, And part sourcing
    • ALL OF WHICH a microfactory/makerspace etc could solve
  • Thus this could become a small scale enterprise (or larger if long distance online sales are included in the business plan)\

Comparison of Different Tracking Methods

Outside In


  • The most accurate system
  • VERY EXPENSIVE to set up
  • cheap to add props/headsets, and many can be added (leds and ping pong balls etc are all that are needed? NEEDS MORE RESEARCH)
  • Warehouse scale is about the maximum size


  • Mid Cost to Set up
  • Mid cost to add additional props/headsets
  • very accurate, and probably the most accurate consumer grade outside in tracking
  • Large Room Scale is the current maximum size officially, yet warehouse scale is in development
  • Also max number of tracked objects?
  • Also easier to source OTS parts due to the consumer nature of the system



PC Emulation of PSVR Tracking

  • Similar method to Optitrack, with semi? open source hardware and software
  • Also lesser quality, and low level of development

Inside Out

  • Any usable OTS options?
  • Meta AR had a system
  • Project North Star has one?
  • varios vr headsets, but they are closed or VERY closed source
    • HTC Valve Cosmos (inside out version)
    • Oculus VR (post facebook aquisition) Occulus Quest, and Occulus Rift Pro (uses cloud software? and is facebook owned so is essentially the anti-open source lol
  • Tracker based can work for small stuff, but suffers occlusion issues, and drift, but is usable for many small scal applications perhaps

Use Case for Build Instructionals using Markers

  • FLOSS using - Example using simple markers (ArUco) markers - with Python. When you see an icon, app replaces image with another image to augment information of image. OSE Use Case: building a 3D printer, aruco marker is attached to a part, and a video tells you how to build that part. This way, just with an app and marked parts - you can build an entire thing with 'self-generated' instructions. The savings here come from not needing to identify how a part goes together by looking at documentation. This requires you to (1) find and identify part; (2) follow instructions on that part. Challenges: identifying a part from many parts can be tricky if you have to dig through a bunch of parts. Following instructions can be cumbersome. Solutions with AR: part is identified automatically (pending marker). Quick on-demand, repeating instructions can be shown automatically, without you going through pages or hitting play for a video.
    • Overall SWOT: good to identify parts, but you still have to put on the labels. If labels are done automatically - such as by image recognition, not marker - then we are set. Threat: cumbersome to learn unless there is a clear instructional. Also, small parts such as small screws - it's not easy to label them. Conclusion: Image Recognition + AR is the solution. *Image Recognition*


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