Book - Manageable Scope
From Open Source Ecology
- Some technical developments are still necessary to produce an irresistible offer upon book writing and completion.
- Candidates are
- CNC Torch with solar oxyhydrogen. Study oxyhydrogen, common duct for water torch. Walt Pyle + Jewelry Torches.
- Power electronics - study it.
- Huge Printer. Design + Develop. ( This Perhaps? - Eric )
- Filament Making - 1 day build.
- Slow Grinder - 1 Day. Hackathon.
- Next Tractor - Skid Steer Weekend Madness.
- Golf Cart - Weekend madness Design Sprint.
- CEB Press - scale model exercises in optimization.
- Universal Axis Design Guide. Sit on ass.
- Heavy Machine Construction Set. Sit on ass.
- House Construction Set. Catarina.
- OSE Clubs via different teacher conferences. Strategy: curriculum with exercises. Can borrow everything here until scientific method is applied to engineer a working solution via data collection
- 3DP Distributive Enterprise. 10,000 printers per month.