Book - Solar Concentrator

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  • Specifically GVCS is linear solar concentrator. This still stands as the lowest cost option for low grade heat applicable to solar thermal power generation.
  • In the case of low cost PV (40 cents per watt and lower), where the issue is night time storage - solar electricity may be used as a brute force to recharge a Saturated Water storage vessel. Solar collector or concentrator energy may be used to provide initial heat close to boiling point.
  • Pellet stove is an effective way to heat off-grid
  • Does a rocket stove lend itself to the possibility of pellet fuel?
  • Heat exchanger for house heat - hydronic heating; integration with Hillbilly Heater from attached aquaponic greenhouse
  • Partial burn of pellets in pellet stove can yield charcoal; clear use case in winter, but what about summer? Use summer time run to top off heat in saturated water vessel for night time storage with 1/4 HP Steam Engine
  • Production of charcoal for cars; integration of PV and solar concentrator into this; integration of Hillbilly Heater. In any case, it's a complex ecology for off-grid combined heat-fuel-power. Eventually this will be superceded by hydrogen at medium pressure for stationary storage, and eventually for car fuel. See Book - Solar Concentrator
  • Wood and hydrogen are means of concentrating solar energy in a broad sense; these are both renewable resources
  • Summary: a simple steam engine and saturated water can be a low-cost way to store night time energy in an off-grid system. Why is nobody doing this if the cost is 5x lower than battery storage?
