Learning Collaboration

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Collaborative development of learning and teaching materials. This pedagogy combines learing, teaching (you have to present information effectively in documents), swarms (accelerated learning), and modeling/calculation/prorotyping/RLF module dev.

Part of Extreme Learning, which includes Extreme Enterprise at sufficient number of developers. Extreme learning can happen for modules with 24, Machines at 240, and enterprise at double this number - nominally. Civilization-scale collaborative learning occurs at a nominal scale of 10k contributors at Civilization Designer level of skill. This is basically a statement that nominally any institution is made up of a 100 Dunbar villages at the minimum.

This is based on a global pool of stewards who can provide leadership to cover the cost of civilization redesign - which is the $50B knowledge kernel according to Cost to Open Source Civilization.

How It Works

When you take a collaborative approach to learning, it emerges that you are teaching and learing at the same time. If a group gets together - you could have a teacher teaching everyone else. This is not collaborative. Or you can use Harkness technique, where students lead the discussion and the teacher provides only guidance. But in the extreme of collaborative learning - each student prepares for the session, to bring something to the table in a 'stone soup' approach. During the session, more than simple discussion occurs - each student teaches a part of the lesson. The 'teacher' participates not as a guide, but a collaborator with all the other students, to raise the bar of the development process, such that the students have to level up to higher expectations of performance.

OSE is developing this approach for collaborative learning. The assumption here is that in order to learn or build complex things - the amount of study is extensive. Furhter, any advanced design is booby-trapped with trade secrets, thus limiting innovation to a near standstill as every innovator cannot gain access to the best practice. Therefore, just like in OSE's Module Based Design - we solve the difficulty of innovation, as burdened by trade secrets, by breaking the problem into smaller parts and each person tackling a part of the problem.

Such an approach requires skill in Modular Breakdown and Collaborative Literacy.

Collaborative Learning

To make a distinction from individual learning of crap (no best practice is available because of trade secrets and general non-collaborative nature of society) to the learning of high quality material and best practices - we introduce the concept of Collaborative Learning.

It is a cultural shift to think of a student as a teacher. However, in the OSE Apprenticeship method, we recognize that the best way to learn is by teaching. Therefore, to improve one's learning ability, we including teaching within the learning process is essential.

As such, we make the claim that collaborative learning is the most effective approach to learning because it involves teaching, that it is more effective than individual learning, and that the collaborative learning approach addresses the societal ill of trade secrets.