Collaborative Literacy Video Script
How do you get thousands or even millions of people to truly collaborate - on real enterprise development - so that they all know what everyone else is doing, where to save their work, and how to upload and download assets - and all contribute to module-based design for economic significance? The question is big: how to transition from proprietary to collaborative development, for the first time in history.
How do you collaborate with thousands of people in the open, while everyone knows what everyone else is doing?
Intent of video is to select for the high level supercooperators, at least in design, who can then potentially also get a house. But it is an elite effort, but distributive.
Key points to cover,no extra, just core:
- Vision - collaborative design for a transparent and inclusive economy of abundance, for a historic transfer of wealth from the few to the manu, for regenerative solutions at scale.
- Solving bigger issues - requires collaborative approach. Solve housing. Solve poverty. Solve homelessness. Solve environmental destruction. Solve violence.
- Explain distributive enterprise concept.
- Scale is thousands of people, in realtime and asuynchronous
- Infinitely complex designs - whether a product, enterprise, or institution - can be broken down into many modules, submodules, parts, and tasks. Interface design.
- Explain test-driven design - that you can test parts by doing calculations, simulations, building them, and data collection.
- 24-7 video channel is open, with open calendar for weekly check-in meetings.
- Forum + Wiki + live docs. Forum is used to support Extreme Enterprise development.
- How you edit wiki - show example - and what a wiki is
- Show Google Presentations example.
- Show how to embed external docs
- Show how to embed Dashboard - flashy XM
- Discuss role architecture - html/css, CAD, documentation, design, video, graphics, drawings, book publishing
- Show how to use a wiki template - infobox, and development
- Module based design goes with Development Template - explain it
- Show galleries and how they fit in module based design
- Show version history
- Show that we do not reconcile the main branch, ever. Anyone is able to do so - if they build it! Every build is a fork.
- Links below video show how-to videos for every single technical topic explained in more detail- about 30 second condensed clips
- Show key tools with OSE Linux - Blender, FreeCAD, Kdenlive, Gimp, Inkscape, SweetHome 3D - in 5 minutes each for functional literacy in 80% of required tasks. Metric: video, test. Credential, you pay for it, say $5 or minimua.
- Relationship to Extreme Enterprise Hackathon, once annual event
- Work Log, and logs in general - for anything that has an evolving history
- Document work product - and _process_
- Extreme Enterprise Participants get their name on the credits, and get a copy of the product.
- Explain the 3 design guides
- Explain the Summers of Extreme Design-Build. Next year it is the Extreme Enterprise Hackathon.
- OSE Intro - 5 minutes + ref to TED Talk. Or TED Talk plus followup on Extreme Enterprise. Open Source Hardware is pathetic.
- Collaborative Literacy - open + collaborative
- House Design Guide Video
- 3D Printer Design Guide Video
- Tractor Design Guide Video
- The First Extreme Enterprise Hackathon - 5-10 minute video. 1000 sf house that you can build with a friend in 1 week, for $50k + land.
- Promo video for the house.
- Older work prior to inclusion of Extreme Enterprise - Collaborative Literacy