Collaborative Mentorship

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Building upon the concept of the Tribe of Mentors, I'm engaging in a personal experiment.

  1. What conditions are required to be set up for the world to change to a full regenerative pattern in 2 decades? Ie, level the playing field, educate, and bring prosperity to all - mostly having accomplished the beginning of the viral spread of an Abundance Mindset
  2. Gather a megatribe to do this. Starting with Tribe to provide guidance, but ending with theasses. Actual numbers seem to be hovering around 2-20k regenerative agents trained. Note the mental model here is that this requires the creation of integrated thinkers, defined as those who possess a true abundance mindset for leveling the playing field with open knowhow that is scalable and accessible to all. Abundance and Open Knowhow must be core.

With that said, my request to peak performers is, let's collaborate.

  1. Draw up a list of potential abundance mindset genius, open to Open Knowhow.
  2. Offer free mentoring on Abundance Mindset and Open Knowhow for unlocking collaborative possibility at the trillion scale
  3. Meer and communicate. Provide abundance mindset services, receive knowledge, guidance, practical execution skills. Receiveentorship for Collaborative Genius Track, which is to become the core agency trained in 150 or so young people. This, Tribe of Collaborative Mentors works with the Tribe of Collaborative Mentors. The initial intent is to create a lifelong friendship - based on an initial notion that such is possible given the characters involved. I am asking to create a tribe of 150, the offer is for the Mentors to do it collaboratively, with a request that my mentees (Tribe of Collaborative Genius Mentees) are to participate, when I seen them ready, on the Collaborative Mentorshipnsessip sessions.

Saving the world takes a village. A tribe of Collaborator Mentors to me and the world. To provide the most immortal and significant gift to humanity. Prometheus would pale by comparison.

Collaborative Mentor must buy into Collaborative Abundance at about a billion worth. They must be humble (have character). They must have an accurate mental model, of execution, people, science, possibility. They must find value in sharing, which would retain their interest.
