D3D 1612 Software
Hint: These are the latest software instructions as of 1/2018. These apply to all D3D versions. The only adjustments between versions, assuming they were built to spec, are bed size and location of probe compared to the extruder.
- Download D3D_Marlin#D3D_16.22_Frame_12.22_Bed. Or download OSE Linux, which has all the software, firmware, and settings bundled with it.
Arduino IDE
- Open up Arduino IDE. If not using OSE Linux, download Arduino IDE v1.6.8 (tested, not new version. Do not use the newest versions. which have not been tested)
- Upload firmware from section above - after connecting USB B Connector to RAMPS controller
- Firmware includes geometrical properties of the 3D printer - such as settings for the print bed size, location of probe, location of endstops, etc.
- Select Arduino Mega from Tools/Board. Select appropriate USB port from Tools/Port.
- After software is done uploading, quit out of Arduino IDE and open up Cura
- Open up Lulzbot Cura. If not using OSE Linux, download Lulzbot Cura.
- Cura already has the initialization profile on OSE Linux. If you are running it on a non-OSE Linux operating system, download D3D_Lulzbot_Cura#Configuration_Profile_-_Files and load up the profile. To load it up, go to File-> Open Profile...
- Downoad a sample file - File:Hollow10.stl
- Drag it into Cura, to wake up the control screen.
- Test manual motion.
Changing the Geometry in D3D Marlin
- To select bed size and motion area - line number _______
- To select location of sensor - line number ______ -
- To select probing type - select 3-point in line number __________
- To select different thermistors - line number __________ - standard thermistors are 100k
Known Error Messages and Solutions
- Arduino IDE - If you get a COM1 error in the Arduino monotor when trying to upload to the Arduino microcontroller - go to Tools/Port and select the correst USB port.