D3D Distributive Enterprise
Press Release: we are kicking off our first distributive enterprise workshop on March 19, 2016.
OSE License
The license of all of our content, software, and designs is open source copyleft as a general rule and Open Source for Ever. We are OSHWA Compliant, and use CC-BY-SA, GPL, and GFDL.
Brand Licensing
OSE has a trademark on Open Source Ecology. OSE has a strict set of standards, embodied primarily in the OSE Specifications but also found in other foundational documents - which delineate the standards and values of OSE.
You are welcome to use our Distributive Enterprises for commercial purposes, but individuals and/or organizations are not allowed to operate under or use the OSE brand without prior written permission from OSE. The OSE brand can be authorized only by permission from the executive team and the OSE Board of Directors. Inquiries should be addressed to info at opensourceecology dot org.
Specifically, usage of the OSE logo to brand products or enterrises is forbidden to third parties.
We generally encourage individuals and companies to run enterprises under their own brand, which means that the individual does not have to comply with requirements that come with OSE, and any liability is assumed by the individual and not OSE.
See also Chapters for chapter requirements.
OSE Certification
OSE sees its own future evolution as the maintainer of a design repository and as a standards-setting organization. As viral replication will be reached in the future, it is OSE's duty to create an environment where maximum transparency is established for the quality and standards-adherence of open source products. The framework of an open source economy makes such standards necessary for transparency.
OSE is considering a certification system that will be used to document certain qualities of products and enterprises that comply with the values of OSE. OSE Certified is a label which OSE is developing, which is intended to be a transparent label. This label will define the elements of OSE Specifications that a product or enterprise contains, akin to the 'ingredients label' on food items.
An administrative cost is associated with any type of certification. An administrative fee for recordkeeping and verification will be associated with the OSE Certification, so any enterprises seeking such certification for branding and franchising purposes need to keep this in mind.
OSE is also considering other ways towards compliance transparency, such as crowd-sourcing and artificial intelligence for documenting the level of compliance.