D3D Frame and Axis Quiz

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  1. Why does OSE build frames from steel rather than aluminum or plexiglass or wood?
  2. How many parts does the Universal Axis have?
  3. How many nuts do we have in the D3D 3D printer in total?
  4. How many nuts do we have in the Immersion Program?
  5. How many long bolts are there per each moving axis (outside of X axis)?
  6. How many short bolts are there if there are 60 nuts and 17 long bolts?
  7. How many short bolts are there per axis (except the X axis)?

Extra Credit

  1. How do we keep track of build time? A: Use Fab Tool Icons clock icon and write down the number of minutes/hours.
  2. For the documentation template, what are the Graphics Guidelines?
