December Build
Script - Main and Enterprise
Seed Eco-Home Certification
- Certificate of Completion for a 5 Day or 10 Day Crash Builder Course
- Badge - Seed Eco-Home Designer Badge - demonstrates proficiency in the structural design and first-principle calculations necessary to design a structurally-sound and element-proof home using the OBI modular build system.
- Badge - Seed Eco-Home Utilities Badge - demonstrates proficiency in
- Working Doc in the Build - Wall Module Templates
- MJ December Build Shopping List
- XBX Team Tracker
- Registration Welcome Email
- Agreements - [1]. 'Partial days will be prorated for
the total hours worked on-site.'
- Jon's master presentation - [2]. Jon's working doc - [3]
- Crew Leader Application Form
- Interviews [4]
- XBX Payroll Model and costs
- Participant Website Copy
- Contract - [5]
- Crew Leader Application Form
- Worker signup - [6]
- Maysville Permit
- Land Acquisition Log
- Cash flow planning [7]
- Team Doc