Digital Craftsman

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A modern day craftsman, who can not only produce finished goods, but with the assistance of information technology, automation, and digital design - made accesssible and open source - can increase the productivity over a typical craftsman by a factor of 10x. Such a craftsman can leverage digital design assist of open source part libraries and design guides, featuring state of art practice throughout. Such a craftsman can make their own materials from abundant feedstocks, using solar energy. With such Recursion and skill, one can liberate their time, via Extreme Productivity, to pursue philosophy and a growth mindset, unhampered by toil in the proverbial coal mines.

This has profound implications for ending menial labor in sweat shops and factories throughout the first and third world. This has profound implications for democracy and the end of demagogue leaders who prey an a lack of meaning in peoples' lives. OSE proposes this model as a reinvention of industry that contributes to balance of power (personal and political) and sound trade policy consistent with peoples' true needs.