Dimethyl Ether
- (From energy.gov) Dimethyl ether (DME) is a synthetically produced hydrocarbon, comparable to Propane / LPG
- It can be an alternative to diesel for use in specially designed (or sufficiently modified existing) Compression Ignition Engines ( Diesel Engines )
- It is also used as a low-temperature solvent and extraction agent
- Under normal atmospheric conditions, DME is a colorless gas
- It is used extensively in the chemical industry and as an aerosol propellant
- Dimethyl ether requires about 75 pounds per square inch (psi) of pressure to be in liquid form
- Because of this, DME's handling requirements are similar to those of propane—both must be kept in pressurized storage tanks at an ambient temperature
Internal Links
External Links
- The Wikipedia Page on Dimethyl Ether
- An Energy . Gov page on Dimethyl Ether
- A Whitepaper by "European Biofuels Technology Platform" Titled "Biofuel Fact Sheet - Dimethyl ether (DME)"
- "California Dimethyl Ether Multimedia Evaluation"
- A "LP Gas Magazine" Article Titled "The developing DME market: What it means for LPG"
- An Article in “Transport Engineer” titled “What Happened to DME”
- TLDR: Typical “Chicken and the Egg” issue of Novel Fuel Economies
- Industry won’t make things that use it due to lack of infrastructure…no infrastructure due to “lack of demand”
- TLDR: Typical “Chicken and the Egg” issue of Novel Fuel Economies
- An article in "Trucking Info . Com" Titled "Volvo Thinks the Fuel of the Future is DME – and It’s Almost Here"
- "International DME Association: About DME" (Dead Link)
- "DME: The Best Fuel, Period Dimethyl Ether: The Future of Electricity, Heat and Transportation" (A whitepaper, but also biased/an ad, due to it being by This Company "Chem Bio Power" (Should look into them later) )
- A 2021 Section of the Publication "Direct Liquid Fuel Cells" Titled "Chapter 8 - Direct dimethyl ether fuel cells (DDMEFCs)"