Disruptive Lifestyle
Community Model: Social Sustainability
The FeF community is presently a research and development community for the GVCS. The intent of this community is to become a virally-replicable (5,000 communities of 200 people within 2 years of 2015 (date of full GVCS deployment). If we assume that the GVCS tools are developed fully, the next question is whether the social model is sustainable. A sufficency criterion for the social sustainability of such a community is:1
- 2 hours per day work requirement, 5 days per week. If a modern standard of living can be achieved with 2 hours of work per day, then adoption may occur based on sufficient provision of creature-comforts and the ability of the people to pursue their true interests or higher purpose in their free time.
- Engagement in some form of integrative mind-body-spirit practice towards becoming an Integrated Human. Integrative practice is consistent with Daniel Pink's concept that the deepest human motivation is a desire for autonomy that enables one to pursue mastery – consistent with higher purpose. Since 7% of the US Population Practices Yoga, the integrative practice condition should not be a block to building a sustainable social infrastructure for an OSE-style community.
- Design of the community as an inter-generational community based primarily on couples and families, as in the rest of society. This indicates that 1/8 of the population will be children, and the rest will be adults.
- Interesting life. City centers are favored by many people because of the diversity of activity and exchange. The OSE Campus concept is built by extraordinary people and integrated humans. Therefore, it should be easy for somebody to live an interesting life in such a setting – as centers of cultural and scientific progress.
- Open door policy for positive outside relations. Campus doors will be open for visits, workshops, training, education, and other forms of exchange with the outside community. Every OSE Campus should have a positive economic effect on surrounding areas because it is in itself an autonomous, economic powerhouse. We expect that the OSE Campus will transform surrounding communities to local food systems, autonomous fuel and energy provision, sustainable housing, robust economic productivity, closed-loop eco-industry, and general cultural and scientific progress.
- 'Normal' Lifestyle. By current standards, an autonomous modern community is a freak event and is virtually if not completely nonexistent. Because the OSE community is organized around a low-hour work week and multi-generational, family-centered design – the communities will not be particularly different than other places. This is especially true if we assume that a world renaissance is forthcoming within a decade as peoples' consciousness expands via access to the internet - even if we consider the Critique of the Internet. It is expected that OSE Campus-type communities will by their nature have a significant effect on surrounding communities – on simple economic grounds of enterprise replication by those who see the OSE Campus for themselves. This type of feedback, along with the intrinsic motivation of the community participants – will make the communities a hub for innovation. It may seem that 'transforming the countryside' is an ambitious goal – but it appears that this will indeed happen naturally.