Event Posting
- Produce video script
- Record video. Set up studio that is accessible immediately. Figure out Shotgun mike or lav mike.
- Produce video from OSE Video Assets
- Embed video in Wordpress - clone the last event for format.
- Embed Tick Counter with the name of the event after brief description - https://www.tickcounter.com/clone/countdown/2539401
- Write description - 1-2 sentence byline.
- Write up Schedule
- Write up registration cost structure
- Write basic summary - 1 paragraph
- Write logistics
- Post on Eventzilla
- Use Wordress Instructions for the rest
What are the realistic expectations for me making a living working with OSE full time after completing the Apprenticeship? They are very high. We do not believe that we will be short of customers for the Seed Eco-Home 2- nor for 3D printers, tractors, CEB Presses, and other machines. This means that we expect to sustain the operation and double our operation annually for the next decade, starting this year.
What are the specific options of how I can work with OSE after completing the Apprenticeship? As you will have mastered a basic level of proficiency in generalized machine design of CNC machines and heavy equipment using collaborative methods - OSE will definitely want to work with you. The first option is OSE hiring apprentices - though OSE considers this as the least favorable option because - one - it does not pay as well as working in a more entrepreneurial engagement - and two - we belive in creating entrepreneurs more than creating employees. The more favorable options are entrepreneurial - in which OSE and apprentices collaborate in a more equal relationship. There are several options here. Given that OSE is building an education, research, and development campus - we have many opportunities for enterprise incubation on site - in the capacity of entrepreneurs that can lease our facilities to run their business. In this sense, the OSE Campus serves the role of an enterprise incubator. We look forward to setting up partnerships where graduates set up enterprises, which function like an open source franchise. In such an agreement, OSE could provide certification and branding services to the partners. Or, our graduates can work in their own communities, setting up enterprise replications that focus on building their own communities. We envision thousands of such facilities being started worldwide. This is why we are pursuing a distributed appraoch - with employment on site at the OSE headquarters as the last option. The best part of this is - we will work on the structuring details of OSE future growth as part of the enterprise seminar part of the Apprenticeship program. This is a point of innovation as the world shifts to more fulfilling paradigm of livelihood creation.
What are the risks of OSE not growing as expected? As a highly innovative enterprise, the risks are significant - though we have been in operation since 2004. Since then, we have established a name and following as one of the most cutting edge, longest-lived, open hardware enterprises in the world. And we feel that this is really just the beginning - as our foundation is now solid - with several product releases already and ambitious plans for doubling our operation every year. At the same time - the risk inolves the main challenge of any business: marketing and sales - and production - as we develop physical products. To address marketing, we will be developing marketing websites, and creating effective marketing processes. We have one of the world's top 10 marketing experts advising and following our progress closely as a mentor. To address production - ie, qualified workers - that is one of the main reasons that we are starting the apprenticeship: to have a solid pool of diversely-skilled individuals who can build things and contribute to further product development. That's why the core of the apprenticeship is hundreds of hours of design training, so the the pool of solid, available, open source products grows to the point that <a href="https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Distributed_Market_Substitution" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> distributed market substitution</a> occurs for many products. The markets are large - the challenge is training sufficient numbers of open source product developers to make the dream of open hardware a reality.
Why are you training more builders? There are plenty of builders out there. We are training much more than builders - we're training our village builders to be <a href="https://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Distributed_Market_Substitution" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> movement entrepreneurs.</a> The skill set that we provide is typically learned over many years - yet we are providing a 6 month rapid learning experience of diverse practical skills. But much more than skill set - we are teaching a mindset - of open collaboration - to collaborate in unprecedented ways. We have not seen the type of open hardware, global, large-scale collaboration training offered anywhere else - and that's why we created our program. We are building a new culture.